An open source method of characteristics neutron transport code.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 clone.hRoutines to copy Material and Track objects to the GPU from CPU
 GPUExpEvaluator.hThe GPUExpEvaluator class
 GPUQuery.hRoutines to check machine for an NVIDIA GPU and print GPU and CUDA hardware characteristics to the screen
 GPUSolver.hThe GPUSolver class and CUDA physics kernels
 DeviceMaterial.hThe struct of Material's nuclear data to be stored on a GPU
 DeviceTrack.hStructures for Tracks and Track segments on a GPU
 Cell.hThe Cell class
 Cmfd.hThe Cmfd class
 constants.hMath constants and comparision tolerances
 CPULSSolver.hThe CPULSSolver class
 CPUSolver.hThe CPUSolver class
 ExpEvaluator.hThe ExpEvaluator class
 exponentials.hMath approximations for computing exponentials
 Geometry.hThe Geometry class
 LocalCoords.hThe LocalCoords class
 log.hUtility functions for writing log messages to the screen
 Matrix.hA matrix object
 Mesh.hThe Mesh class for the alternative C++ build
 MOCKernel.hAn MOCKernel object
 pairwise_sum.hUtility function for the accurate pairwise sum of a list of floating point numbers
 ParallelHashMap.hA thread-safe hash map supporting insertion and lookup operations
 Point.hThe Point class
 Progress.hAn object to track progress
 Quadrature.hThe Quadrature abstract class and subclasses
 Region.hThe Region class
 RunTime.hUtility functions for processing run time options
 Solver.hThe Solver class
 Timer.hThe Timer class
 Track.hThe generic Track class
 Track3D.hThe 3D Track class
 TrackGenerator.hThe TrackGenerator class
 TrackGenerator3D.hThe TrackGenerator3D class
 TrackTraversingAlgorithms.hContains classes which extend the TraverseSegments class to apply algorithms to Tracks and possibly their segments
 TraverseSegments.hA TraverseSegments object
 Universe.hThe Universe class
 Vector.hA vector object
 VectorizedSolver.hThe VectorizedSolver class