An open source method of characteristics neutron transport code.
▼ src | |
▼ accel | |
▼ cuda | |
clone.h | Routines to copy Material and Track objects to the GPU from CPU |
GPUExpEvaluator.h | The GPUExpEvaluator class |
GPUQuery.h | Routines to check machine for an NVIDIA GPU and print GPU and CUDA hardware characteristics to the screen |
GPUSolver.h | The GPUSolver class and CUDA physics kernels |
DeviceMaterial.h | The struct of Material's nuclear data to be stored on a GPU |
DeviceTrack.h | Structures for Tracks and Track segments on a GPU |
boundary_type.h | |
Cell.h | The Cell class |
Cmfd.h | The Cmfd class |
constants.h | Math constants and comparision tolerances |
CPULSSolver.h | The CPULSSolver class |
CPUSolver.h | The CPUSolver class |
ExpEvaluator.h | The ExpEvaluator class |
exponentials.h | Math approximations for computing exponentials |
Geometry.h | The Geometry class |
linalg.h | |
LocalCoords.h | The LocalCoords class |
log.h | Utility functions for writing log messages to the screen |
Material.h | |
Matrix.h | A matrix object |
Mesh.h | The Mesh class for the alternative C++ build |
MOCKernel.h | An MOCKernel object |
pairwise_sum.h | Utility function for the accurate pairwise sum of a list of floating point numbers |
ParallelHashMap.h | A thread-safe hash map supporting insertion and lookup operations |
Point.h | The Point class |
Progress.h | An object to track progress |
Quadrature.h | The Quadrature abstract class and subclasses |
Region.h | The Region class |
RunTime.h | Utility functions for processing run time options |
segmentation_type.h | |
Solver.h | The Solver class |
Surface.h | |
Timer.h | The Timer class |
Track.h | The generic Track class |
Track3D.h | The 3D Track class |
TrackGenerator.h | The TrackGenerator class |
TrackGenerator3D.h | The TrackGenerator3D class |
TrackTraversingAlgorithms.h | Contains classes which extend the TraverseSegments class to apply algorithms to Tracks and possibly their segments |
TraverseSegments.h | A TraverseSegments object |
Universe.h | The Universe class |
Vector.h | A vector object |
VectorizedSolver.h | The VectorizedSolver class |