An open source method of characteristics neutron transport code.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CCellRepresents a Cell inside of a Universe
 CCmfdA class for Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (CMFD) acceleration
 CConvergenceDataVerbose iteration information for the CMFD eigenvalue solver
 Cdev_materialA Material's nuclear data to be stored on a GPU
 Cdev_segmentA dev_segment represents a line segment within a single flat source region along a track
 Cdev_trackA dev_track represents a characteristic line across the geometry
 CDomainCommunicatorStructure for communication of fluxes between neighbor domains
 CExpEvaluatorThis is a class for evaluating exponentials
 CExtrudedFSRAn ExtrudedFSR struct represents a FSR region in the superposition plane for axial on-the-fly ray tracing. It contains a characteristic point that lies within the FSR, an axial mesh, and an array of 3D FSR IDs contained within the extruded region along with their corresponding materials
 CFixedHashMap< K, V >A fixed-size hash map supporting insertion and lookup operations
 CFixedHashMap< std::string, ExtrudedFSR *>
 CFixedHashMap< std::string, fsr_data *>
 Cfsr_dataA fsr_data struct represents an FSR with a unique FSR ID and a characteristic point that lies within the FSR that can be used to recompute the hierarchical LocalCoords linked list
 CGeometryThe master class containing references to all geometry-related objects - Surfaces, Cells, Universes and Lattices - and Materials
 CGPUExpEvaluatorThis is a class for evaluating exponentials on GPUs
 CLocalCoordsThe LocalCoords represents a set of local coordinates on some level of nested Universes making up the geometry. _next and _prev allow for use of LocalCoords as a linked list but _next_array can also be used to access coordinates
 CMaterialUnique material and its relevant nuclear data (i.e., multigroup cross-sections) for neutron transport
 CMeshA Mesh is a lattice overlaid on the Geometry across which reaction rates can be tallied from converged scalar fluxes in a Solver
 CMOCKernelAn MOCKernel object specifies a functionality to apply to MOC segments
 CCounterKernelCounts the number of segments of a track
 CSegmentationKernelForms segment data associated with a 3D track
 CTransportKernelApplies transport equations to segment data
 CVolumeKernelCalculates the volume in FSRs by adding weighted segment lengths
 CParallelHashMap< K, V >A thread-safe hash map supporting insertion and lookup operations
 CParallelHashMap< std::string, ExtrudedFSR *>
 CParallelHashMap< std::string, fsr_data *>
 CPointClass to represent a 2D/3D point in space
 CQuadratureThe arbitrary quadrature parent class
 CEqualAnglePolarQuadEqual angle polar quadrature
 CEqualWeightPolarQuadEqual weight polar quadrature
 CGLPolarQuadGauss-Legendre's polar quadrature
 CLeonardPolarQuadLeonard's polar quadrature
 CTYPolarQuadTabuchi-Yamamoto's polar quadrature
 CRegionA region of space that can be assigned to a Cell
 CComplementA complement of a Region
 CHalfspaceA positive or negative halfspace Region
 CIntersectionAn intersection of two or more Regions
 CRectangularPrismAn infinite rectangular prism aligned with the z-axis
 CUnionA union of two or more Regions
 CRuntimeParametersStructure for run time options
 Csecond_t< tPair >A helper struct for the Universe::findCell() method
 CsegmentA segment represents a line segment within a single flat source region along a track
 CSolverThis is an abstract base class which different Solver subclasses implement for different architectures or source iteration algorithms
 CCPUSolverThis a subclass of the Solver class for multi-core CPUs using OpenMP multi-threading
 CCPULSSolverThis a subclass of the CPUSolver class for using the linear source approximation
 CVectorizedSolverThis is a subclass of the CPUSolver class which uses memory-aligned data structures and Intel's auto-vectorization
 CGPUSolverThis a subclass of the Solver class for NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
 CSurfaceRepresents a general Surface in 3D
 CPlaneRepresents a Plane perpendicular to the xy-plane
 CXPlaneRepresents a Plane perpendicular to the x-axis
 CYPlaneRepresents a Plane perpendicular to the y-axis
 CZPlaneRepresents a Plane perpendicular to the z-axis
 CZCylinderRepresents a Cylinder with axis parallel to the z-axis
 CTimerFor timing and profiling regions of code
 CTrackA Track represents a characteristic line across the geometry
 CTrack3DA 3D Track represents a characteristic line across the geometry
 CTrackChainIndexesA Track chain represents a list of Tracks connected via periodic BCs that extend in the l-z plane and this struct contains the azim, x, polar, lz, and link indexes of a Track
 CTrackGeneratorThe TrackGenerator is dedicated to generating and storing Tracks which cyclically wrap across the Geometry
 CTrackGenerator3DThe TrackGenerator3D is dedicated to generating and storing Tracks which cyclically wrap across the Geometry in three dimensions
 CTrackStackIndexesA stack track represents a track in a z-stack of tracks and this struct contains the azim, xy, polar, and z indices of a track
 CTraverseSegmentsAn TraverseSegments object defines how to loop over Tracks given various different segmentation schemes and how to apply algorithms to the Tracks and associated segments
 CCentroidGeneratorA class used to calculate the centroids of each FSR
 CDumpSegmentsA class used to write tracking data to a file
 CLinearExpansionGeneratorA class used to calculate the linear expansion coeffs of each FSR
 CMaxOpticalLengthA class used to calculate the maximum optical path length across all segments in the Geometry
 CPrintSegmentsA class used to write tracking data to a file
 CReadSegmentsA class used to read tracking data from a file
 CRecenterSegmentsA class used to recenter Segments once their related FSR centroid is known
 CSegmentCounterA class used to count the number of segments on each Track and the maximum number of segments per Track
 CSegmentSplitterA class used to split explicit segments along Tracks
 CTransportSweepA class used to apply the MOC transport equations to all segments
 CTransportSweepOTFA class used to ray trace and apply the MOC transport equations simultaneously On-The-Fly
 CVolumeCalculatorA class used to calculate FSR volumes
 CUniverseA Universe represents an unbounded space in 3D
 CLatticeRepresents a repeating 3D Lattice of Universes