An open source method of characteristics neutron transport code.
CPUSolver Class Reference

This a subclass of the Solver class for multi-core CPUs using OpenMP multi-threading. More...

#include "src/CPUSolver.h"

Public Member Functions

 CPUSolver (TrackGenerator *track_generator=NULL)
 Constructor initializes array pointers for Tracks and Materials. More...
virtual ~CPUSolver ()
 Destructor deletes array for OpenMP mutual exclusion locks for FSR scalar flux updates, and calls Solver parent class destructor to deletes arrays for fluxes and sources.
int getNumThreads ()
 Returns the number of shared memory OpenMP threads in use. More...
void setNumThreads (int num_threads)
 Sets the number of shared memory OpenMP threads to use (>0). More...
void setFluxes (FP_PRECISION *in_fluxes, int num_fluxes)
 Set the flux array for use in transport sweep source calculations. More...
void setFixedSourceByFSR (long fsr_id, int group, FP_PRECISION source)
 Assign a fixed source for a flat source region and energy group. More...
void computeFSRFissionRates (double *fission_rates, long num_FSRs, bool nu=false)
 Computes the volume-averaged, energy-integrated fission or nu-fission rate in each FSR and stores them in an array indexed by FSR ID. More...
void printInputParamsSummary ()
 A function that prints a summary of the input parameters.
void tallyScalarFlux (segment *curr_segment, int azim_index, int polar_index, FP_PRECISION *fsr_flux, float *track_flux)
 Computes the contribution to the FSR scalar flux from a Track segment. More...
void accumulateScalarFluxContribution (long fsr_id, FP_PRECISION weight, FP_PRECISION *fsr_flux)
 Move the segment(s)' contributions to the scalar flux from the buffer to the global scalar flux array. More...
void tallyCurrent (segment *curr_segment, int azim_index, int polar_index, float *track_flux, bool fwd)
 Tallies the current contribution from this segment across the the appropriate CMFD mesh cell surface. More...
void transferBoundaryFlux (Track *track, int azim_index, int polar_index, bool direction, float *track_flux)
 Updates the boundary flux for a Track given boundary conditions. More...
void getFluxes (FP_PRECISION *out_fluxes, int num_fluxes)
 Fills an array with the scalar fluxes. More...
void initializeFixedSources ()
 Populates array of fixed sources assigned by FSR.
void printFSRFluxes (std::vector< double > dim1, std::vector< double > dim2, double offset, const char *plane)
 A function that prints the source region fluxes on a 2D mesh grid. More...
void printFluxesTemp ()
 A function that prints fsr fluxes in xy plane at z=middle. More...
void printNegativeSources (int iteration, int num_x, int num_y, int num_z)
 A function that prints the number of FSRs with negative sources in the whole geometry subdivided by a 3D lattice. The number of negative sources per energy group is also printed out. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Solver
 Solver (TrackGenerator *track_generator=NULL)
 Constructor initializes an empty Solver class with array pointers set to NULL. More...
virtual ~Solver ()
 Destructor deletes arrays of boundary angular fluxes, scalar fluxes and sources for each FSR and energy group. More...
void setGeometry (Geometry *geometry)
 Sets the Geometry for the Solver. More...
GeometrygetGeometry ()
 Returns a pointer to the Geometry. More...
TrackGeneratorgetTrackGenerator ()
 Returns a pointer to the TrackGenerator. More...
FP_PRECISION getFSRVolume (long fsr_id)
 Returns the calculated volume for a flat source region. More...
int getNumPolarAngles ()
 Returns the number of angles used for the polar quadrature. More...
int getNumIterations ()
 Returns the number of source iterations to converge the source. More...
double getTotalTime ()
 Returns the total time to converge the source (seconds). More...
double getKeff ()
 Returns the converged eigenvalue $ k_{eff} $. More...
double getConvergenceThreshold ()
 Returns the threshold for source/flux convergence. More...
FP_PRECISION getMaxOpticalLength ()
 Get the maximum allowable optical length for a track segment. More...
bool isUsingDoublePrecision ()
 Returns whether the solver is using double floating point precision. More...
bool isUsingExponentialInterpolation ()
 Returns whether the Solver uses linear interpolation to compute exponentials. More...
bool is3D ()
 Returns whether the Solver is tackling a 3D problem. More...
void initializeSolver (solverMode solver_mode)
 Initializes most components of Solver. Mostly needed from the Python side.
void printFissionRates (std::string fname, int nx, int ny, int nz)
 Prints fission rates to a binary file. More...
void setKeffFromNeutronBalance ()
 Sets computation method of k-eff from fission, absorption, and leakage rates rather than from fission rates. keff = fission/(absorption + leakage)
void setResidualByReference (std::string fname)
 Sets residuals to be computed a error relative to a reference. More...
void dumpFSRFluxes (std::string fname)
 Prints scalar fluxes to a binary file. More...
void loadInitialFSRFluxes (std::string fname)
 Load the initial scalar flux distribution from a binary file. More...
void loadFSRFluxes (std::string fname, bool assign_k_eff=false, double tolerance=0.01)
 Load scalar fluxes from a binary file. More...
double getFlux (long fsr_id, int group)
 Returns the scalar flux for some FSR and energy group. More...
double getFSRSource (long fsr_id, int group)
 Returns the source for some energy group for a flat source region. More...
void setTrackGenerator (TrackGenerator *track_generator)
 Sets the Solver's TrackGenerator with characteristic Tracks. More...
void setConvergenceThreshold (double threshold)
 Sets the threshold for source/flux convergence. More...
virtual void setFixedSourceByFSR (long fsr_id, int group, double source)
 Assign a fixed source for a flat source region and energy group. More...
void setFixedSourceByCell (Cell *cell, int group, double source)
 Assign a fixed source for a Cell and energy group. More...
void setFixedSourceByMaterial (Material *material, int group, double source)
 Assign a fixed source for a Material and energy group. More...
void setMaxOpticalLength (FP_PRECISION max_optical_length)
 Set the maximum allowable optical length for a track segment. More...
void setExpPrecision (double precision)
 Set the precision, or maximum allowable approximation error, of the the exponential interpolation table. More...
void useExponentialInterpolation ()
 Informs the Solver to use linear interpolation to compute the exponential in the transport equation.
void useExponentialIntrinsic ()
 Informs the Solver to use the exponential intrinsic exp(...) function to compute the exponential in the transport equation.
void setSolverMode (solverMode solver_mode)
 Choose between direct and adjoint mode. More...
void setRestartStatus (bool is_restart)
 Informs the Solver that this is a 'restart' calculation and therefore k_eff, track angular and region scalar fluxes should not be reset. More...
void allowNegativeFluxes (bool negative_fluxes_on)
 Informs the Solver that this calculation may involve negative fluxes for computing higher eigenmodes for example. More...
void correctXS ()
 Directs OpenMOC to correct unphysical cross-sections. More...
void stabilizeTransport (double stabilization_factor, stabilizationType stabilization_type=DIAGONAL)
 Directs OpenMOC to use the diagonal stabilizing correction to the source iteration transport sweep. More...
void setInitialSpectrumCalculation (double threshold)
 Instructs OpenMOC to perform an initial spectrum calculation. More...
void setCheckXSLogLevel (logLevel log_level)
 Determines which log level to set cross-section warnings. More...
void setChiSpectrumMaterial (Material *material)
 Sets the chi spectrum for use as an inital flux guess. More...
void resetMaterials (solverMode mode)
 Returns the Material data to its original state. More...
void fissionTransportSweep ()
 This method performs one transport sweep using the fission source. More...
void scatterTransportSweep ()
 This method performs one transport sweep using the scatter source. More...
void computeFlux (int max_iters=1000, bool only_fixed_source=true)
 Computes the scalar flux distribution by performing a series of transport sweeps. More...
void computeSource (int max_iters=1000, double k_eff=1.0, residualType res_type=TOTAL_SOURCE)
 Computes the total source distribution by performing a series of transport sweep and source updates. More...
void computeEigenvalue (int max_iters=1000, residualType res_type=FISSION_SOURCE)
 Computes keff by performing a series of transport sweep and source updates. More...
void printBGQMemory ()
float * getBoundaryFlux (long track_id, bool fwd)
 Returns the boundary flux array at the requested indexes. More...
void setVerboseIterationReport ()
 Sets the solver to print extra information for each iteration.
void printTimerReport ()
 Prints a report of the timing statistics to the console.
FP_PRECISION * getFluxesArray ()
 A function that returns the array of scalar fluxes. More...
void limitXS ()
 Limits cross-sections so that there are no negative cross-sections. More...
void setLimitingXSMaterials (std::vector< int > material_ids, int reset_iteration)
 Instructs MOC to limit negative cross-sections for early iterations. More...
void checkLimitXS (int iteration)
 Checks to see if limited XS should be reset. More...
void setOTFTransport ()
 Activate On-The-Fly transport, to OTF ray-trace and propagate the track angular fluxes at the same time.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initializeFluxArrays ()
 Allocates memory for Track boundary angular flux and leakage and FSR scalar flux arrays. More...
virtual void initializeSourceArrays ()
 Allocates memory for FSR source arrays. More...
virtual void initializeFSRs ()
 Initializes the FSR volumes and Materials array. More...
void zeroTrackFluxes ()
 Zero each Track's boundary fluxes for each energy group (and polar angle in 2D) in the "forward" and "reverse" directions.
void copyBoundaryFluxes ()
 Copies values from the start flux into the boundary flux array for both the "forward" and "reverse" directions.
void tallyStartingCurrents ()
 Computes the total current impingent on boundary CMFD cells from starting angular fluxes.
virtual void flattenFSRFluxes (FP_PRECISION value)
 Set the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group to some value. More...
void flattenFSRFluxesChiSpectrum ()
 Set the scalar flux for each FSR to a chi spectrum.
void storeFSRFluxes ()
 Stores the FSR scalar fluxes in the old scalar flux array.
virtual double normalizeFluxes ()
 Normalizes all FSR scalar fluxes and Track boundary angular fluxes to the total fission source (times $ \nu $).
void computeFSRFissionSources ()
 Computes the total fission source in each FSR. More...
void computeFSRScatterSources ()
 Computes the total scattering source in each FSR. More...
virtual void computeFSRSources (int iteration)
 Computes the total source (fission, scattering, fixed) in each FSR. More...
void transportSweep ()
 This method performs one transport sweep of all azimuthal angles, Tracks, Track segments, polar angles and energy groups. More...
virtual void computeStabilizingFlux ()
 Computes the stabilizing flux for transport stabilization.
virtual void stabilizeFlux ()
 Adjusts the scalar flux for transport stabilization.
virtual void addSourceToScalarFlux ()
 Add the source term contribution in the transport equation to the FSR scalar flux.
void computeKeff ()
 Compute $ k_{eff} $ from successive fission sources.
double computeResidual (residualType res_type)
 Computes the residual between source/flux iterations. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Solver
virtual void initializeExpEvaluators ()
 Initializes new ExpEvaluator object to compute exponentials.
void initializeMaterials (solverMode mode)
 Initializes the Material's production matrices. More...
void countFissionableFSRs ()
 Counts the number of fissionable flat source regions. More...
void checkXS ()
 All material cross-sections in the geometry are checked for consistency. More...
virtual void initializeCmfd ()
 Initializes a Cmfd object for acceleration prior to source iteration. More...
void calculateInitialSpectrum (double threshold)
 Performs a spectrum calculation to update the scalar fluxes. More...
void clearTimerSplits ()
 Deletes the Timer's timing entries for each timed code section code in the source convergence loop. More...

Protected Attributes

int _num_threads
omp_lock_t * _FSR_locks
- Protected Attributes inherited from Solver
int _num_azim
int _num_groups
long _num_FSRs
long _num_fissionable_FSRs
Material ** _FSR_materials
int _num_materials
int _num_polar
int _fluxes_per_track
Track ** _tracks
std::vector< int > _limit_xs_materials
int _reset_iteration
bool _limit_xs
std::map< int, Material * > _original_materials
std::map< int, Material * > _limit_materials
int *** _tracks_per_stack
bool _SOLVE_3D
solverMode _solver_mode
bool _is_restart
bool _user_fluxes
bool _fixed_sources_on
bool _correct_xs
bool _stabilize_transport
bool _verbose
bool _calculate_initial_spectrum
double _initial_spectrum_thresh
bool _load_initial_FSR_fluxes
bool _calculate_residuals_by_reference
bool _negative_fluxes_allowed
std::string _initial_FSR_fluxes_file
std::string _reference_file
logLevel _xs_log_level
segmentationType _segment_formation
long _tot_num_tracks
float * _boundary_flux
float * _start_flux
float * _boundary_leakage
FP_PRECISION * _scalar_flux
FP_PRECISION * _old_scalar_flux
FP_PRECISION * _reference_flux
FP_PRECISION * _stabilizing_flux
FP_PRECISION * _fixed_sources
std::vector< FP_PRECISION * > _groupwise_scratch
double * _regionwise_scratch
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, FP_PRECISION > _fix_src_FSR_map
std::map< std::pair< Cell *, int >, FP_PRECISION > _fix_src_cell_map
std::map< std::pair< Material *, int >, FP_PRECISION > _fix_src_material_map
FP_PRECISION * _reduced_sources
double _k_eff
bool _keff_from_fission_rates
int _num_iterations
double _converge_thresh
double _stabilization_factor
stabilizationType _stabilization_type
ExpEvaluator *** _exp_evaluators
int _num_exp_evaluators_azim
int _num_exp_evaluators_polar
std::string _source_type
bool _OTF_transport

Detailed Description

This a subclass of the Solver class for multi-core CPUs using OpenMP multi-threading.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CPUSolver()

CPUSolver::CPUSolver ( TrackGenerator track_generator = NULL)

Constructor initializes array pointers for Tracks and Materials.

The constructor retrieves the number of energy groups and FSRs and azimuthal angles from the Geometry and TrackGenerator if passed in as parameters by the user. The constructor initalizes the number of OpenMP threads to a default of 1.

track_generatoran optional pointer to the TrackGenerator

Member Function Documentation

◆ accumulateScalarFluxContribution()

void CPUSolver::accumulateScalarFluxContribution ( long  fsr_id,
FP_PRECISION *  fsr_flux 

Move the segment(s)' contributions to the scalar flux from the buffer to the global scalar flux array.

fsr_idthe id of the fsr
weightthe quadrature weight (only for 3D ray tracing)
fsr_fluxthe buffer containing the segment(s)' contribution

◆ computeFSRFissionRates()

void CPUSolver::computeFSRFissionRates ( double *  fission_rates,
long  num_FSRs,
bool  nu = false 

Computes the volume-averaged, energy-integrated fission or nu-fission rate in each FSR and stores them in an array indexed by FSR ID.

This is a helper method for SWIG to allow users to retrieve FSR fission or nu-fission rates as a NumPy array. An example of how this method can be called from Python is as follows:

num_FSRs = geometry.getNumFSRs()
fission_rates = solver.computeFSRFissionRates(num_FSRs)
fission_ratesan array to store the fission rates (implicitly passed in as a NumPy array from Python)
num_FSRsthe number of FSRs passed in from Python
nuwhether return nu-fission (true) or fission (default, false) rates

Implements Solver.

◆ computeFSRFissionSources()

void CPUSolver::computeFSRFissionSources ( )

Computes the total fission source in each FSR.

This method is a helper routine for the openmoc.krylov submodule.

Implements Solver.

◆ computeFSRScatterSources()

void CPUSolver::computeFSRScatterSources ( )

Computes the total scattering source in each FSR.

This method is a helper routine for the openmoc.krylov submodule.

Implements Solver.

◆ computeFSRSources()

void CPUSolver::computeFSRSources ( int  iteration)

Computes the total source (fission, scattering, fixed) in each FSR.

This method computes the total source in each FSR based on this iteration's current approximation to the scalar flux.

Implements Solver.

Reimplemented in CPULSSolver, and VectorizedSolver.

◆ computeResidual()

double CPUSolver::computeResidual ( residualType  res_type)

Computes the residual between source/flux iterations.

res_typethe type of residuals to compute (SCALAR_FLUX, FISSION_SOURCE, TOTAL_SOURCE)
the average residual in each FSR

Implements Solver.

◆ flattenFSRFluxes()

void CPUSolver::flattenFSRFluxes ( FP_PRECISION  value)

Set the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group to some value.

valuethe value to assign to each FSR scalar flux

Implements Solver.

Reimplemented in CPULSSolver.

◆ getFluxes()

void CPUSolver::getFluxes ( FP_PRECISION *  out_fluxes,
int  num_fluxes 

Fills an array with the scalar fluxes.

This class method is a helper routine called by the OpenMOC Python "openmoc.krylov" module for Krylov subspace methods. Although this method appears to require two arguments, in reality it only requires one due to SWIG and would be called from within Python as follows:

num_fluxes = num_groups * num_FSRs
fluxes = solver.getFluxes(num_fluxes)
out_fluxesan array of FSR scalar fluxes in each energy group
num_fluxesthe total number of FSR flux values

Implements Solver.

◆ getNumThreads()

int CPUSolver::getNumThreads ( )

Returns the number of shared memory OpenMP threads in use.

the number of threads

◆ initializeFluxArrays()

void CPUSolver::initializeFluxArrays ( )

Allocates memory for Track boundary angular flux and leakage and FSR scalar flux arrays.

Deletes memory for old flux arrays if they were allocated for a previous simulation.

Implements Solver.

Reimplemented in CPULSSolver, and VectorizedSolver.

◆ initializeFSRs()

void CPUSolver::initializeFSRs ( )

Initializes the FSR volumes and Materials array.

This method allocates and initializes an array of OpenMP mutual exclusion locks for each FSR for use in the transport sweep algorithm.

Reimplemented from Solver.

Reimplemented in CPULSSolver.

◆ initializeSourceArrays()

void CPUSolver::initializeSourceArrays ( )

Allocates memory for FSR source arrays.

Deletes memory for old source arrays if they were allocated for a previous simulation.

Implements Solver.

Reimplemented in CPULSSolver, and VectorizedSolver.

◆ printFluxesTemp()

void CPUSolver::printFluxesTemp ( )

A function that prints fsr fluxes in xy plane at z=middle.

Recommend deletion, since redundant printFluxes

◆ printFSRFluxes()

void CPUSolver::printFSRFluxes ( std::vector< double >  dim1,
std::vector< double >  dim2,
double  offset,
const char *  plane 

A function that prints the source region fluxes on a 2D mesh grid.

dim1coordinates of the mesh grid in the first direction
dim2coordinates of the mesh grid in the second direction
offsetThe location of the mesh grid center on the perpendicular axis
plane'xy', 'xz' or 'yz' the plane in which the mesh grid lies

◆ printNegativeSources()

void CPUSolver::printNegativeSources ( int  iteration,
int  num_x,
int  num_y,
int  num_z 

A function that prints the number of FSRs with negative sources in the whole geometry subdivided by a 3D lattice. The number of negative sources per energy group is also printed out.

iterationthe current iteration
num_xnumber of divisions in X direction
num_ynumber of divisions in Y direction
num_znumber of divisions in Z direction

◆ setFixedSourceByFSR()

void CPUSolver::setFixedSourceByFSR ( long  fsr_id,
int  group,

Assign a fixed source for a flat source region and energy group.

Fixed sources should be scaled to reflect the fact that OpenMOC normalizes the scalar flux such that the total energy- and volume-integrated production rate sums to 1.0.

fsr_idthe flat source region ID
groupthe energy group
sourcethe volume-averaged source in this group

◆ setFluxes()

void CPUSolver::setFluxes ( FP_PRECISION *  in_fluxes,
int  num_fluxes 

Set the flux array for use in transport sweep source calculations.

This is a helper method for the checkpoint restart capabilities, as well as the IRAMSolver in the openmoc.krylov submodule. This routine may be used as follows from within Python:

fluxes = numpy.random.rand(num_FSRs * num_groups, dtype=np.float)
     NOTE: This routine stores a pointer to the fluxes for the Solver
     to use during transport sweeps and other calculations. Hence, the
     flux array pointer is shared between NumPy and the Solver.
in_fluxesan array with the fluxes to use
num_fluxesthe number of flux values (# groups x # FSRs)

Implements Solver.

◆ setNumThreads()

void CPUSolver::setNumThreads ( int  num_threads)

Sets the number of shared memory OpenMP threads to use (>0).

num_threadsthe number of threads

◆ tallyCurrent()

void CPUSolver::tallyCurrent ( segment curr_segment,
int  azim_index,
int  polar_index,
float *  track_flux,
bool  fwd 

Tallies the current contribution from this segment across the the appropriate CMFD mesh cell surface.

curr_segmenta pointer to the Track segment of interest
azim_indexthe azimuthal index for this segment
polar_indexthe polar index for this segmenbt
track_fluxa pointer to the Track's angular flux
fwdboolean indicating direction of integration along segment

◆ tallyScalarFlux()

void CPUSolver::tallyScalarFlux ( segment curr_segment,
int  azim_index,
int  polar_index,
FP_PRECISION *  fsr_flux,
float *  track_flux 

Computes the contribution to the FSR scalar flux from a Track segment.

This method integrates the angular flux for a Track segment across energy groups and polar angles, and tallies it into the FSR scalar flux, and updates the Track's angular flux.

curr_segmenta pointer to the Track segment of interest
azim_indexazimuthal angle index for this segment
polar_indexpolar angle index for this segment
fsr_fluxbuffer to store the contribution to the region's scalar flux
track_fluxa pointer to the Track's angular flux

◆ transferBoundaryFlux()

void CPUSolver::transferBoundaryFlux ( Track track,
int  azim_index,
int  polar_index,
bool  direction,
float *  track_flux 

Updates the boundary flux for a Track given boundary conditions.

For reflective boundary conditions, the outgoing boundary flux for the Track is given to the reflecting Track. For vacuum boundary conditions, the outgoing flux is tallied as leakage.

tracka pointer to the Track of interest
azim_indexazimuthal angle index for this segment
polar_indexpolar angle index for this segment
directionthe Track direction (forward - true, reverse - false)
track_fluxa pointer to the Track's outgoing angular flux

◆ transportSweep()

void CPUSolver::transportSweep ( )

This method performs one transport sweep of all azimuthal angles, Tracks, Track segments, polar angles and energy groups.

The method integrates the flux along each Track and updates the boundary fluxes for the corresponding output Track, while updating the scalar flux in each flat source region.

Implements Solver.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _FSR_locks

omp_lock_t* CPUSolver::_FSR_locks

OpenMP mutual exclusion locks for atomic FSR scalar flux updates

◆ _num_threads

int CPUSolver::_num_threads

The number of shared memory OpenMP threads

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: