An open source method of characteristics neutron transport code.
Solver Class Referenceabstract

This is an abstract base class which different Solver subclasses implement for different architectures or source iteration algorithms. More...

#include "src/Solver.h"

Public Member Functions

 Solver (TrackGenerator *track_generator=NULL)
 Constructor initializes an empty Solver class with array pointers set to NULL. More...
virtual ~Solver ()
 Destructor deletes arrays of boundary angular fluxes, scalar fluxes and sources for each FSR and energy group. More...
void setGeometry (Geometry *geometry)
 Sets the Geometry for the Solver. More...
GeometrygetGeometry ()
 Returns a pointer to the Geometry. More...
TrackGeneratorgetTrackGenerator ()
 Returns a pointer to the TrackGenerator. More...
FP_PRECISION getFSRVolume (long fsr_id)
 Returns the calculated volume for a flat source region. More...
int getNumPolarAngles ()
 Returns the number of angles used for the polar quadrature. More...
int getNumIterations ()
 Returns the number of source iterations to converge the source. More...
double getTotalTime ()
 Returns the total time to converge the source (seconds). More...
double getKeff ()
 Returns the converged eigenvalue $ k_{eff} $. More...
double getConvergenceThreshold ()
 Returns the threshold for source/flux convergence. More...
FP_PRECISION getMaxOpticalLength ()
 Get the maximum allowable optical length for a track segment. More...
bool isUsingDoublePrecision ()
 Returns whether the solver is using double floating point precision. More...
bool isUsingExponentialInterpolation ()
 Returns whether the Solver uses linear interpolation to compute exponentials. More...
bool is3D ()
 Returns whether the Solver is tackling a 3D problem. More...
void initializeSolver (solverMode solver_mode)
 Initializes most components of Solver. Mostly needed from the Python side.
virtual void initializeFixedSources ()
 Assigns fixed sources assigned by Cell, Material to FSRs.
void printFissionRates (std::string fname, int nx, int ny, int nz)
 Prints fission rates to a binary file. More...
virtual void printInputParamsSummary ()
 A function that prints a summary of the input parameters.
void setKeffFromNeutronBalance ()
 Sets computation method of k-eff from fission, absorption, and leakage rates rather than from fission rates. keff = fission/(absorption + leakage)
void setResidualByReference (std::string fname)
 Sets residuals to be computed a error relative to a reference. More...
void dumpFSRFluxes (std::string fname)
 Prints scalar fluxes to a binary file. More...
void loadInitialFSRFluxes (std::string fname)
 Load the initial scalar flux distribution from a binary file. More...
void loadFSRFluxes (std::string fname, bool assign_k_eff=false, double tolerance=0.01)
 Load scalar fluxes from a binary file. More...
double getFlux (long fsr_id, int group)
 Returns the scalar flux for some FSR and energy group. More...
virtual void getFluxes (FP_PRECISION *out_fluxes, int num_fluxes)=0
double getFSRSource (long fsr_id, int group)
 Returns the source for some energy group for a flat source region. More...
void setTrackGenerator (TrackGenerator *track_generator)
 Sets the Solver's TrackGenerator with characteristic Tracks. More...
void setConvergenceThreshold (double threshold)
 Sets the threshold for source/flux convergence. More...
virtual void setFluxes (FP_PRECISION *in_fluxes, int num_fluxes)=0
virtual void setFixedSourceByFSR (long fsr_id, int group, double source)
 Assign a fixed source for a flat source region and energy group. More...
void setFixedSourceByCell (Cell *cell, int group, double source)
 Assign a fixed source for a Cell and energy group. More...
void setFixedSourceByMaterial (Material *material, int group, double source)
 Assign a fixed source for a Material and energy group. More...
void setMaxOpticalLength (FP_PRECISION max_optical_length)
 Set the maximum allowable optical length for a track segment. More...
void setExpPrecision (double precision)
 Set the precision, or maximum allowable approximation error, of the the exponential interpolation table. More...
void useExponentialInterpolation ()
 Informs the Solver to use linear interpolation to compute the exponential in the transport equation.
void useExponentialIntrinsic ()
 Informs the Solver to use the exponential intrinsic exp(...) function to compute the exponential in the transport equation.
void setSolverMode (solverMode solver_mode)
 Choose between direct and adjoint mode. More...
void setRestartStatus (bool is_restart)
 Informs the Solver that this is a 'restart' calculation and therefore k_eff, track angular and region scalar fluxes should not be reset. More...
void allowNegativeFluxes (bool negative_fluxes_on)
 Informs the Solver that this calculation may involve negative fluxes for computing higher eigenmodes for example. More...
void correctXS ()
 Directs OpenMOC to correct unphysical cross-sections. More...
void stabilizeTransport (double stabilization_factor, stabilizationType stabilization_type=DIAGONAL)
 Directs OpenMOC to use the diagonal stabilizing correction to the source iteration transport sweep. More...
void setInitialSpectrumCalculation (double threshold)
 Instructs OpenMOC to perform an initial spectrum calculation. More...
void setCheckXSLogLevel (logLevel log_level)
 Determines which log level to set cross-section warnings. More...
void setChiSpectrumMaterial (Material *material)
 Sets the chi spectrum for use as an inital flux guess. More...
void resetMaterials (solverMode mode)
 Returns the Material data to its original state. More...
void fissionTransportSweep ()
 This method performs one transport sweep using the fission source. More...
void scatterTransportSweep ()
 This method performs one transport sweep using the scatter source. More...
void computeFlux (int max_iters=1000, bool only_fixed_source=true)
 Computes the scalar flux distribution by performing a series of transport sweeps. More...
void computeSource (int max_iters=1000, double k_eff=1.0, residualType res_type=TOTAL_SOURCE)
 Computes the total source distribution by performing a series of transport sweep and source updates. More...
void computeEigenvalue (int max_iters=1000, residualType res_type=FISSION_SOURCE)
 Computes keff by performing a series of transport sweep and source updates. More...
void printBGQMemory ()
virtual void computeFSRFissionRates (double *fission_rates, long num_FSRs, bool nu=false)=0
 Computes the volume-weighted, energy integrated fission rate in each FSR and stores them in an array indexed by FSR ID. More...
float * getBoundaryFlux (long track_id, bool fwd)
 Returns the boundary flux array at the requested indexes. More...
void setVerboseIterationReport ()
 Sets the solver to print extra information for each iteration.
void printTimerReport ()
 Prints a report of the timing statistics to the console.
FP_PRECISION * getFluxesArray ()
 A function that returns the array of scalar fluxes. More...
void limitXS ()
 Limits cross-sections so that there are no negative cross-sections. More...
void setLimitingXSMaterials (std::vector< int > material_ids, int reset_iteration)
 Instructs MOC to limit negative cross-sections for early iterations. More...
void checkLimitXS (int iteration)
 Checks to see if limited XS should be reset. More...
void setOTFTransport ()
 Activate On-The-Fly transport, to OTF ray-trace and propagate the track angular fluxes at the same time.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initializeFluxArrays ()=0
 Initializes Track boundary angular flux and leakage and FSR scalar flux arrays.
virtual void initializeSourceArrays ()=0
 Allocates memory for FSR source arrays.
virtual void initializeExpEvaluators ()
 Initializes new ExpEvaluator object to compute exponentials.
void initializeMaterials (solverMode mode)
 Initializes the Material's production matrices. More...
virtual void initializeFSRs ()
 Initializes the FSR volumes and Materials array. More...
void countFissionableFSRs ()
 Counts the number of fissionable flat source regions. More...
void checkXS ()
 All material cross-sections in the geometry are checked for consistency. More...
virtual void initializeCmfd ()
 Initializes a Cmfd object for acceleration prior to source iteration. More...
void calculateInitialSpectrum (double threshold)
 Performs a spectrum calculation to update the scalar fluxes. More...
virtual void zeroTrackFluxes ()=0
 Zero each Track's boundary fluxes for each energy group and polar angle in the "forward" and "reverse" directions.
virtual void flattenFSRFluxes (FP_PRECISION value)=0
 Set the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group to some value. More...
virtual void flattenFSRFluxesChiSpectrum ()=0
 Set the scalar flux for each FSR to a chi spectrum.
virtual void storeFSRFluxes ()=0
 Stores the current scalar fluxes in the old scalar flux array.
virtual double normalizeFluxes ()=0
 Normalizes all FSR scalar fluxes and Track boundary angular fluxes to the total fission source (times $ \nu $).
virtual void computeStabilizingFlux ()=0
 Computes the stabilizing flux for transport stabilization.
virtual void stabilizeFlux ()=0
 Adjusts the scalar flux for transport stabilization.
virtual void computeFSRSources (int iteration)=0
 Computes the total source (fission, scattering, fixed) for each FSR and energy group.
virtual void computeFSRFissionSources ()=0
 Computes the total fission source for each FSR and energy group.
virtual void computeFSRScatterSources ()=0
 Computes the total scattering source for each FSR and energy group.
virtual double computeResidual (residualType res_type)=0
 Computes the residual between successive flux/source iterations. More...
virtual void computeKeff ()=0
 Compute $ k_{eff} $ from total fission and absorption rates in each FSR and energy group.
virtual void addSourceToScalarFlux ()=0
 Add the source term contribution in the transport equation to the FSR scalar flux.
virtual void transportSweep ()=0
 This method performs one transport sweep of all azimuthal angles, Tracks, segments, polar angles and energy groups.
void clearTimerSplits ()
 Deletes the Timer's timing entries for each timed code section code in the source convergence loop. More...

Protected Attributes

int _num_azim
int _num_groups
long _num_FSRs
long _num_fissionable_FSRs
Material ** _FSR_materials
int _num_materials
int _num_polar
int _fluxes_per_track
Track ** _tracks
std::vector< int > _limit_xs_materials
int _reset_iteration
bool _limit_xs
std::map< int, Material * > _original_materials
std::map< int, Material * > _limit_materials
int *** _tracks_per_stack
bool _SOLVE_3D
solverMode _solver_mode
bool _is_restart
bool _user_fluxes
bool _fixed_sources_on
bool _correct_xs
bool _stabilize_transport
bool _verbose
bool _calculate_initial_spectrum
double _initial_spectrum_thresh
bool _load_initial_FSR_fluxes
bool _calculate_residuals_by_reference
bool _negative_fluxes_allowed
std::string _initial_FSR_fluxes_file
std::string _reference_file
logLevel _xs_log_level
segmentationType _segment_formation
long _tot_num_tracks
float * _boundary_flux
float * _start_flux
float * _boundary_leakage
FP_PRECISION * _scalar_flux
FP_PRECISION * _old_scalar_flux
FP_PRECISION * _reference_flux
FP_PRECISION * _stabilizing_flux
FP_PRECISION * _fixed_sources
std::vector< FP_PRECISION * > _groupwise_scratch
double * _regionwise_scratch
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, FP_PRECISION > _fix_src_FSR_map
std::map< std::pair< Cell *, int >, FP_PRECISION > _fix_src_cell_map
std::map< std::pair< Material *, int >, FP_PRECISION > _fix_src_material_map
FP_PRECISION * _reduced_sources
double _k_eff
bool _keff_from_fission_rates
int _num_iterations
double _converge_thresh
double _stabilization_factor
stabilizationType _stabilization_type
ExpEvaluator *** _exp_evaluators
int _num_exp_evaluators_azim
int _num_exp_evaluators_polar
std::string _source_type
bool _OTF_transport

Detailed Description

This is an abstract base class which different Solver subclasses implement for different architectures or source iteration algorithms.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Solver()

Solver::Solver ( TrackGenerator track_generator = NULL)

Constructor initializes an empty Solver class with array pointers set to NULL.

track_generatoran optional pointer to a TrackGenerator object

◆ ~Solver()

Solver::~Solver ( )

Destructor deletes arrays of boundary angular fluxes, scalar fluxes and sources for each FSR and energy group.

Deallocates memory for all arrays allocated for the Solver, including fluxes, sources, quadrature weights, and exponential linear interpolation table.

Delete exponential evaluators

Member Function Documentation

◆ allowNegativeFluxes()

void Solver::allowNegativeFluxes ( bool  negative_fluxes_on)

Informs the Solver that this calculation may involve negative fluxes for computing higher eigenmodes for example.

negative_fluxes_onwhether to allow negative fluxes

◆ calculateInitialSpectrum()

void Solver::calculateInitialSpectrum ( double  threshold)

Performs a spectrum calculation to update the scalar fluxes.

This function is meant to be used before transport sweeps in an eigenvalue calculation in order to gain a better initial guess on the flux shape. It is equivalent to performing a CMFD update with no current tallies (pure diffusion solve) across a coarse mesh with one mesh cell per domain.

thresholdThe convergence threshold of the calculation

◆ checkLimitXS()

void Solver::checkLimitXS ( int  iteration)

Checks to see if limited XS should be reset.

iterationThe MOC iteration number

◆ checkXS()

void Solver::checkXS ( )

All material cross-sections in the geometry are checked for consistency.

Each cross-section is checked to ensure that the total cross-section is greater than or equal to the scattering cross-section for each energy group and that all cross-sections are positive.

◆ clearTimerSplits()

void Solver::clearTimerSplits ( )

Deletes the Timer's timing entries for each timed code section code in the source convergence loop.

To stop and reset all timer splits

◆ computeEigenvalue()

void Solver::computeEigenvalue ( int  max_iters = 1000,
residualType  res_type = FISSION_SOURCE 

Computes keff by performing a series of transport sweep and source updates.

This is the main method exposed to the user through the Python interface to perform an eigenvalue calculation. The method makes an initial guess for the scalar and boundary fluxes and performs transport sweeps and source updates until convergence.

By default, this method will perform a maximum of 1000 transport sweeps with a 1E-5 threshold on the integrated FSR fission source. These values may be freely modified by the user at runtime.

The res_type parameter may be used to control the convergence criterion - SCALAR_FLUX, TOTAL_SOURCE and FISSION_SOURCE (default) are all supported options in OpenMOC at this time.

solver.computeEigenvalue(max_iters=100, res_type=FISSION_SOURCE)
max_itersthe maximum number of source iterations to allow
res_typethe type of residual used for the convergence criterion

◆ computeFlux()

void Solver::computeFlux ( int  max_iters = 1000,
bool  only_fixed_source = true 

Computes the scalar flux distribution by performing a series of transport sweeps.

This is the main method exposed to the user through the Python interface to compute the scalar flux distribution, e.g., for a fixed source calculation. This routine makes an initial guess for scalar and boundary fluxes and performs transport sweep until convergence.

By default, this method will perform a maximum of 1000 transport sweeps with a 1E-5 threshold on the average FSR scalar flux. These values may be freely modified by the user at runtime.

The only_fixed_source runtime parameter may be used to control the type of source distribution used in the calculation. By default, this paramter is true and only the fixed sources specified by the user will be considered. Alternatively, when the parameter is false, the source will be computed as the scattering and fission sources resulting from a previously computed flux distribution (e.g., an eigenvalue calculation) in addition to any user-defined fixed sources.

This method may be called by the user to compute the scalar flux for a fixed source distribution from Python as follows:

// Assign fixed sources
// ...
// Find the flux distribution resulting from the fixed sources
     Alternatively, as described above, this method may be called by
     the user in Python to compute the flux from a superposition of
     fixed and / or eigenvalue sources as follows:
// Solve for sources and scalar flux distribution
// Add fixed source(s)
// ...
// Find fluxes from superposition of eigenvalue and fixed sources
solver.computeFlux(max_iters=100, only_fixed_source=False)
max_itersthe maximum number of source iterations to allow
only_fixed_sourceuse only fixed sources (true by default)

◆ computeFSRFissionRates()

virtual void Solver::computeFSRFissionRates ( double *  fission_rates,
long  num_FSRs,
bool  nu = false 
pure virtual

Computes the volume-weighted, energy integrated fission rate in each FSR and stores them in an array indexed by FSR ID.

This is a helper method for SWIG to allow users to retrieve FSR fission rates as a NumPy array. An example of how this method can be called from Python is as follows:

num_FSRs = geometry.getNumFSRs()
fission_rates = solver.computeFSRFissionRates(num_FSRs)
fission_ratesan array to store the fission rates (implicitly passed in as a NumPy array from Python)
num_FSRsthe number of FSRs passed in from Python
nuwhether to return nu-fission rates instead of fission rates

Implemented in CPUSolver.

◆ computeResidual()

virtual double Solver::computeResidual ( residualType  res_type)
protectedpure virtual

Computes the residual between successive flux/source iterations.

res_typethe type of residual (FLUX, FISSIOn_SOURCE, TOTAL_SOURCE)
the total residual summed over FSRs and energy groups

Implemented in GPUSolver, and CPUSolver.

◆ computeSource()

void Solver::computeSource ( int  max_iters = 1000,
double  k_eff = 1.0,
residualType  res_type = TOTAL_SOURCE 

Computes the total source distribution by performing a series of transport sweep and source updates.

This is the main method exposed to the user through the Python interface to compute the source distribution, e.g., for a fixed and/or external source calculation. This routine makes an initial guess for the scalar and boundary fluxes and performs transport sweeps and source updates until convergence.

By default, this method will perform a maximum of 1000 transport sweeps with a 1E-5 threshold on the integrated FSR total source. These values may be freely modified by the user at runtime.

The k_eff parameter may be used for fixed source calculations with fissionable material (e.g., start-up in a reactor from a fixed external source). In this case, the user must "guess" the critical eigenvalue to be be used to scale the fission source.

The res_type parameter may be used to control the convergence criterion - SCALAR_FLUX, TOTAL_SOURCE (default) and FISSION_SOURCE are all supported options in OpenMOC at this time.

This method may be called by the user from Python as follows:

// Assign fixed sources
// ...
// Find the source distribution resulting from the fixed sources
solver.computeSource(max_iters=100, k_eff=0.981)
max_itersthe maximum number of source iterations to allow
k_effthe sub/super-critical eigenvalue (default 1.0)
res_typethe type of residual used for the convergence criterion

◆ correctXS()

void Solver::correctXS ( )

Directs OpenMOC to correct unphysical cross-sections.

If a material is found with greater total scattering cross-section than total cross-section, the total cross-section is set to the scattering cross-section.

◆ countFissionableFSRs()

void Solver::countFissionableFSRs ( )

Counts the number of fissionable flat source regions.

This routine is used by the Solver::computeEigenvalue(...) routine which uses the number of fissionable FSRs to normalize the residual on the fission source distribution.

◆ dumpFSRFluxes()

void Solver::dumpFSRFluxes ( std::string  fname)

Prints scalar fluxes to a binary file.

fnamethe name of the file to dump the fluxes to

◆ fissionTransportSweep()

void Solver::fissionTransportSweep ( )

This method performs one transport sweep using the fission source.

This is a helper routine used for Krylov subspace methods.

◆ flattenFSRFluxes()

virtual void Solver::flattenFSRFluxes ( FP_PRECISION  value)
protectedpure virtual

Set the scalar flux for each FSR and energy group to some value.

valuethe value to assign to each FSR scalar flux

Implemented in GPUSolver, CPUSolver, and CPULSSolver.

◆ getBoundaryFlux()

float* Solver::getBoundaryFlux ( long  track_id,
bool  fwd 

Returns the boundary flux array at the requested indexes.

track_idThe Track's Unique ID
fwdWhether the direction of the angular flux along the track is forward (True) or backward (False)

◆ getConvergenceThreshold()

double Solver::getConvergenceThreshold ( )

Returns the threshold for source/flux convergence.

the threshold for source/flux convergence

◆ getFlux()

double Solver::getFlux ( long  fsr_id,
int  group 

Returns the scalar flux for some FSR and energy group.

fsr_idthe ID for the FSR of interest
groupthe energy group of interest
the FSR scalar flux

◆ getFluxesArray()

FP_PRECISION * Solver::getFluxesArray ( )

A function that returns the array of scalar fluxes.

The scalar fluxes

◆ getFSRSource()

double Solver::getFSRSource ( long  fsr_id,
int  group 

Returns the source for some energy group for a flat source region.

This is a helper routine used by the openmoc.process module.

fsr_idthe ID for the FSR of interest
groupthe energy group of interest
the flat source region source

◆ getFSRVolume()

FP_PRECISION Solver::getFSRVolume ( long  fsr_id)

Returns the calculated volume for a flat source region.

fsr_idthe flat source region ID of interest
the flat source region volume

◆ getGeometry()

Geometry * Solver::getGeometry ( )

Returns a pointer to the Geometry.

a pointer to the Geometry

◆ getKeff()

double Solver::getKeff ( )

Returns the converged eigenvalue $ k_{eff} $.

the converged eigenvalue $ k_{eff} $

◆ getMaxOpticalLength()

FP_PRECISION Solver::getMaxOpticalLength ( )

Get the maximum allowable optical length for a track segment.

The max optical length

◆ getNumIterations()

int Solver::getNumIterations ( )

Returns the number of source iterations to converge the source.

the number of iterations

◆ getNumPolarAngles()

int Solver::getNumPolarAngles ( )

Returns the number of angles used for the polar quadrature.

the number of polar angles

◆ getTotalTime()

double Solver::getTotalTime ( )

Returns the total time to converge the source (seconds).

the time to converge the source (seconds)

◆ getTrackGenerator()

TrackGenerator * Solver::getTrackGenerator ( )

Returns a pointer to the TrackGenerator.

a pointer to the TrackGenerator

◆ initializeCmfd()

void Solver::initializeCmfd ( )

Initializes a Cmfd object for acceleration prior to source iteration.

Instantiates a dummy Cmfd object if one was not assigned to the Solver by the user and initializes FSRs, materials, fluxes and the Mesh object. This method is for internal use only and should not be called directly by the user.

Reimplemented in CPULSSolver.

◆ initializeFSRs()

void Solver::initializeFSRs ( )

Initializes the FSR volumes and Materials array.

This method assigns each FSR a unique, monotonically increasing ID, sets the Material for each FSR, and assigns a volume based on the cumulative length of all of the segments inside the FSR.

Reimplemented in GPUSolver, CPUSolver, and CPULSSolver.

◆ initializeMaterials()

void Solver::initializeMaterials ( solverMode  mode)

Initializes the Material's production matrices.

In an adjoint calculation, this routine will transpose the scattering and fission matrices in each material.

modethe solution type (FORWARD or ADJOINT)

◆ is3D()

bool Solver::is3D ( )

Returns whether the Solver is tackling a 3D problem.

true if the solver is set up with a 3D track generator

◆ isUsingDoublePrecision()

bool Solver::isUsingDoublePrecision ( )

Returns whether the solver is using double floating point precision.

true if using double precision float point arithmetic

◆ isUsingExponentialInterpolation()

bool Solver::isUsingExponentialInterpolation ( )

Returns whether the Solver uses linear interpolation to compute exponentials.

true if using linear interpolation to compute exponentials

◆ limitXS()

void Solver::limitXS ( )

Limits cross-sections so that there are no negative cross-sections.

A copy of the original cross-section is saved

◆ loadFSRFluxes()

void Solver::loadFSRFluxes ( std::string  fname,
bool  assign_k_eff = false,
double  tolerance = 0.01 

Load scalar fluxes from a binary file.

The matching source regions between the current calculation and those in the loaded file are determined by comparing centroids

fnameThe file containing the scalar fluxes
assign_k_effWhether to set k-eff to the one loaded in the binary file
toleranceThe width of the region in which to search for the matching centroid

◆ loadInitialFSRFluxes()

void Solver::loadInitialFSRFluxes ( std::string  fname)

Load the initial scalar flux distribution from a binary file.

fnameThe file containing the scalar fluxes

◆ printFissionRates()

void Solver::printFissionRates ( std::string  fname,
int  nx,
int  ny,
int  nz 

Prints fission rates to a binary file.

fnamethe name of the file to dump the fission rates to
nxnumber of mesh cells in the x-direction
nynumber of mesh cells in the y-direction
nznumber of mesh cells in the z-direction

◆ resetMaterials()

void Solver::resetMaterials ( solverMode  mode)

Returns the Material data to its original state.

In an adjoint calculation, the scattering and fission matrices in each material are transposed during initialization. This routine returns both matrices to their original (FORWARD) state at the end of a calculation.

modethe solution type (FORWARD or ADJOINT)

◆ scatterTransportSweep()

void Solver::scatterTransportSweep ( )

This method performs one transport sweep using the scatter source.

This is a helper routine used for Krylov subspace methods.

◆ setCheckXSLogLevel()

void Solver::setCheckXSLogLevel ( logLevel  log_level)

Determines which log level to set cross-section warnings.

The default log level is ERROR

log_levelThe log level for outputing cross-section inconsistencies

◆ setChiSpectrumMaterial()

void Solver::setChiSpectrumMaterial ( Material material)

Sets the chi spectrum for use as an inital flux guess.

materialThe material used for obtaining the chi spectrum

◆ setConvergenceThreshold()

void Solver::setConvergenceThreshold ( double  threshold)

Sets the threshold for source/flux convergence.

The default threshold for convergence is 1E-5.

thresholdthe threshold for source/flux convergence

◆ setExpPrecision()

void Solver::setExpPrecision ( double  precision)

Set the precision, or maximum allowable approximation error, of the the exponential interpolation table.

By default, the precision is 1E-5 based on the analysis in Yamamoto's 2003 paper.

precisionthe precision of the exponential interpolation table,

◆ setFixedSourceByCell()

void Solver::setFixedSourceByCell ( Cell cell,
int  group,
double  source 

Assign a fixed source for a Cell and energy group.

This routine will add the fixed source to all instances of the Cell in the geometry (e.g., all FSRs for this Cell).

cella pointer to the Cell of interest
groupthe energy group
sourcethe volume-averaged source in this group

◆ setFixedSourceByFSR()

void Solver::setFixedSourceByFSR ( long  fsr_id,
int  group,
double  source 

Assign a fixed source for a flat source region and energy group.

This is a helper routine to perform error checking for the subclasses which store the source in the appropriate array.

fsr_idthe flat source region ID
groupthe energy group
sourcethe volume-averaged source in this group

◆ setFixedSourceByMaterial()

void Solver::setFixedSourceByMaterial ( Material material,
int  group,
double  source 

Assign a fixed source for a Material and energy group.

This routine will add the fixed source to all instances of the Material in the geometry (e.g., all FSRs with this Material).

materiala pointer to the Material of interest
groupthe energy group
sourcethe volume-averaged source in this group

◆ setGeometry()

void Solver::setGeometry ( Geometry geometry)

Sets the Geometry for the Solver.

This is a private setter method for the Solver and is not intended to be called by the user.

geometrya pointer to a Geometry object

◆ setInitialSpectrumCalculation()

void Solver::setInitialSpectrumCalculation ( double  threshold)

Instructs OpenMOC to perform an initial spectrum calculation.

thresholdThe convergence threshold of the spectrum calculation

◆ setLimitingXSMaterials()

void Solver::setLimitingXSMaterials ( std::vector< int >  material_ids,
int  reset_iteration 

Instructs MOC to limit negative cross-sections for early iterations.

material_idsThe material IDs of the cross-sections to limit
reset_iterationThe iteration to reset cross-sections to their defaults

◆ setMaxOpticalLength()

void Solver::setMaxOpticalLength ( FP_PRECISION  max_optical_length)

Set the maximum allowable optical length for a track segment.

max_optical_lengthThe max optical length

◆ setResidualByReference()

void Solver::setResidualByReference ( std::string  fname)

Sets residuals to be computed a error relative to a reference.

fnameThe file containing the flux solution of the reference

◆ setRestartStatus()

void Solver::setRestartStatus ( bool  is_restart)

Informs the Solver that this is a 'restart' calculation and therefore k_eff, track angular and region scalar fluxes should not be reset.

is_restartwhether solver run is a restart run

◆ setSolverMode()

void Solver::setSolverMode ( solverMode  solver_mode)

Choose between direct and adjoint mode.

solver_modeopenmoc.FORWARD or .ADJOINT

◆ setTrackGenerator()

void Solver::setTrackGenerator ( TrackGenerator track_generator)

Sets the Solver's TrackGenerator with characteristic Tracks.

The TrackGenerator must already have generated Tracks and have used ray tracing to segmentize them across the Geometry. This should be initated in Python prior to assigning the TrackGenerator to the Solver:

track_generatora pointer to a TrackGenerator object

◆ stabilizeTransport()

void Solver::stabilizeTransport ( double  stabilization_factor,
stabilizationType  stabilization_type = DIAGONAL 

Directs OpenMOC to use the diagonal stabilizing correction to the source iteration transport sweep.

The source iteration process which MOC uses can be unstable if negative cross-sections arise from transport correction. This instability causes issues in convergence. The stabilizing correction fixes this by adding a diagonal matrix to both sides of the discretized transport equation which introduces no bias but transforms the iteration matrix into one that is stable.

Three stabilization options exist: DIAGONAL, YAMAMOTO, and GLOBAL.

DIAGONAL: The stabilization is only applied to fluxes where the associated in-scatter cross-section is negative. The added stabilizing flux is equal to the magnitude of the in-scatter cross-section divided by the total cross-section and scaled by the stabilization factor. YAMAMOTO: This is the same as DIAGONAL except that the largest stabilization is applied to all regions, not just those containing negative in-scatter cross-sections. GLOBAL: This method applies a global stabilization factor to all fluxes defined by the user. In addition, the stabilization factor in this option refers to a damping factor, not the magnitude of the stabilizing correction.

stabilization_factorThe factor applied to the stabilizing correction
stabilization_typeThe type of stabilization to use

Member Data Documentation

◆ _boundary_flux

float* Solver::_boundary_flux

The angular fluxes for each Track for all energy groups, polar angles, and azimuthal angles. This array stores the boundary fluxes for a a Track along both "forward" and "reverse" directions.

◆ _boundary_leakage

float* Solver::_boundary_leakage

The angular leakages for each Track. This array stores the weighted outgoing angular fluxes for use in non-CMFD eigenvalue calculations.

◆ _calculate_initial_spectrum

bool Solver::_calculate_initial_spectrum

Boolean for whether to perform a spectrum calculation for the initial flux guess

◆ _calculate_residuals_by_reference

bool Solver::_calculate_residuals_by_reference

Boolean for whether to calculate residuals from reference flux

◆ _chi_spectrum_material

Material* Solver::_chi_spectrum_material

Material to be used for calculating the initial flux guess from chi

◆ _cmfd

Cmfd* Solver::_cmfd

A pointer to a Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (CMFD) acceleration object

◆ _converge_thresh

double Solver::_converge_thresh

The tolerance for converging the source/flux

◆ _correct_xs

bool Solver::_correct_xs

Boolean for whether to correct unphysical cross-sections

◆ _exp_evaluators

ExpEvaluator*** Solver::_exp_evaluators

A matrix of ExpEvaluators to compute exponentials in the transport equation. The matrix is indexed by azimuthal index and polar index

◆ _fix_src_cell_map

std::map< std::pair<Cell*, int>, FP_PRECISION > Solver::_fix_src_cell_map

A mapping of fixed sources keyed by the pair (Cell*, energy group)

◆ _fix_src_FSR_map

std::map< std::pair<int, int>, FP_PRECISION > Solver::_fix_src_FSR_map

A mapping of fixed sources keyed by the pair (FSR ID, energy group)

◆ _fix_src_material_map

std::map< std::pair<Material*, int>, FP_PRECISION > Solver::_fix_src_material_map

A mapping of fixed sources keyed by the pair (Material*, energy group)

◆ _fixed_sources

FP_PRECISION* Solver::_fixed_sources

Optional user-specified fixed sources in each FSR and energy group

◆ _fixed_sources_on

bool Solver::_fixed_sources_on

Boolean to indicate whether there are any fixed sources

◆ _fluxes_per_track

int Solver::_fluxes_per_track

The number of flux varies stored per track in each direction

◆ _FSR_materials

Material** Solver::_FSR_materials

The FSR Material pointers indexed by FSR UID

◆ _FSR_volumes

FP_PRECISION* Solver::_FSR_volumes

The FSR "volumes" (i.e., areas) indexed by FSR UID

◆ _geometry

Geometry* Solver::_geometry

A pointer to a Geometry with initialized FSR offset maps

◆ _groupwise_scratch

std::vector<FP_PRECISION*> Solver::_groupwise_scratch

Temporary scratch pads for intermediate storage of computing steps

◆ _initial_FSR_fluxes_file

std::string Solver::_initial_FSR_fluxes_file

File to load initial FSR fluxes from

◆ _initial_spectrum_thresh

double Solver::_initial_spectrum_thresh

Convergence threshold for the initial spectrum calculation

◆ _is_restart

bool Solver::_is_restart

Indicator of whether the flux array has been defined by the user

◆ _k_eff

double Solver::_k_eff

The current iteration's approximation to k-effective

◆ _keff_from_fission_rates

bool Solver::_keff_from_fission_rates

How to compute the k-effective when not using CMFD

◆ _limit_materials

std::map<int, Material*> Solver::_limit_materials

Map of the materials with limited cross sections

◆ _limit_xs

bool Solver::_limit_xs

Whether to limit cross sections or not

◆ _limit_xs_materials

std::vector<int> Solver::_limit_xs_materials

Ids of materials that will have their cross section limited

◆ _load_initial_FSR_fluxes

bool Solver::_load_initial_FSR_fluxes

Boolean for whether to load initial FSR flux profile from file

◆ _negative_fluxes_allowed

bool Solver::_negative_fluxes_allowed

Boolean for whether the solver allows negative fluxes

◆ _num_azim

int Solver::_num_azim

The number of azimuthal angles

◆ _num_exp_evaluators_azim

int Solver::_num_exp_evaluators_azim

The number of exponential evaluators in the azimuthal direction

◆ _num_exp_evaluators_polar

int Solver::_num_exp_evaluators_polar

The number of exponential evaluators in the polar direction

◆ _num_fissionable_FSRs

long Solver::_num_fissionable_FSRs

The number of fissionable flat source regions

◆ _num_FSRs

long Solver::_num_FSRs

The number of flat source regions

◆ _num_groups

int Solver::_num_groups

The number of energy groups

◆ _num_iterations

int Solver::_num_iterations

The number of source iterations needed to reach convergence

◆ _num_materials

int Solver::_num_materials

The number of Materials

◆ _num_polar

int Solver::_num_polar

The number of polar angles

◆ _old_scalar_flux

FP_PRECISION* Solver::_old_scalar_flux

The old scalar flux for each energy group in each FSR

◆ _original_materials

std::map<int, Material*> Solver::_original_materials

Map of the original materials

◆ _quad

Quadrature* Solver::_quad

A pointer to a polar quadrature

◆ _reduced_sources

FP_PRECISION* Solver::_reduced_sources

Ratios of source to total cross-section for each FSR and energy group

◆ _reference_file

std::string Solver::_reference_file

File to load reference FSR fluxes from

◆ _reference_flux

FP_PRECISION* Solver::_reference_flux

The reference scalar flux for each energy group in each FSR

◆ _reset_iteration

int Solver::_reset_iteration

Iteration at which to revert to original cross sections

◆ _scalar_flux

FP_PRECISION* Solver::_scalar_flux

The scalar flux for each energy group in each FSR

◆ _segment_formation

segmentationType Solver::_segment_formation

Determines the type of track segmentation to use for 3D MOC


bool Solver::_SOLVE_3D

Boolean for whether to solve in 3D (true) or 2D (false)

◆ _solver_mode

solverMode Solver::_solver_mode

Whether the solver is using the direct or adjoint mode

◆ _source_type

std::string Solver::_source_type

A string indicating the type of source approximation

◆ _stabilization_factor

double Solver::_stabilization_factor

The factor applied to the source iteration stabilization

◆ _stabilization_type

stabilizationType Solver::_stabilization_type

The type of source iteration stabilization

◆ _stabilize_transport

bool Solver::_stabilize_transport

Boolean for whether to apply the stabilizing correction to the source iteration (transport sweep) process

◆ _stabilizing_flux

FP_PRECISION* Solver::_stabilizing_flux

The stabilizing flux for each energy group in each FSR

◆ _timer

Timer* Solver::_timer

A timer to record timing data for a simulation

◆ _tot_num_tracks

long Solver::_tot_num_tracks

The total number of Tracks

◆ _track_generator

TrackGenerator* Solver::_track_generator

A pointer to a TrackGenerator which contains Tracks

◆ _tracks

Track** Solver::_tracks

A pointer to the Tracks array, only for GPUSolver and VectorizedSolver

◆ _tracks_per_stack

int*** Solver::_tracks_per_stack

A pointer to an array with the number of Tracks per azimuthal angle

◆ _user_fluxes

bool Solver::_user_fluxes

Boolean to indicate whether a user loaded his own fluxes

◆ _verbose

bool Solver::_verbose

Boolean for whether to print verbose iteration reports

◆ _xs_log_level

logLevel Solver::_xs_log_level

The log level for outputting cross-section inconsistencies

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: