CCell | Represents a Cell inside of a Universe |
CCentroidGenerator | A class used to calculate the centroids of each FSR |
CCmfd | A class for Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (CMFD) acceleration |
CComplement | A complement of a Region |
CConvergenceData | Verbose iteration information for the CMFD eigenvalue solver |
CCounterKernel | Counts the number of segments of a track |
CCPULSSolver | This a subclass of the CPUSolver class for using the linear source approximation |
CCPUSolver | This a subclass of the Solver class for multi-core CPUs using OpenMP multi-threading |
Cdev_material | A Material's nuclear data to be stored on a GPU |
Cdev_segment | A dev_segment represents a line segment within a single flat source region along a track |
Cdev_track | A dev_track represents a characteristic line across the geometry |
CDomainCommunicator | Structure for communication of fluxes between neighbor domains |
CDumpSegments | A class used to write tracking data to a file |
CEqualAnglePolarQuad | Equal angle polar quadrature |
CEqualWeightPolarQuad | Equal weight polar quadrature |
CExpEvaluator | This is a class for evaluating exponentials |
CExtrudedFSR | An ExtrudedFSR struct represents a FSR region in the superposition plane for axial on-the-fly ray tracing. It contains a characteristic point that lies within the FSR, an axial mesh, and an array of 3D FSR IDs contained within the extruded region along with their corresponding materials |
CFixedHashMap | A fixed-size hash map supporting insertion and lookup operations |
Cfsr_data | A fsr_data struct represents an FSR with a unique FSR ID and a characteristic point that lies within the FSR that can be used to recompute the hierarchical LocalCoords linked list |
CGeometry | The master class containing references to all geometry-related objects - Surfaces, Cells, Universes and Lattices - and Materials |
CGLPolarQuad | Gauss-Legendre's polar quadrature |
CGPUExpEvaluator | This is a class for evaluating exponentials on GPUs |
CGPUSolver | This a subclass of the Solver class for NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) |
CHalfspace | A positive or negative halfspace Region |
CIntersection | An intersection of two or more Regions |
CLattice | Represents a repeating 3D Lattice of Universes |
CLeonardPolarQuad | Leonard's polar quadrature |
CLinearExpansionGenerator | A class used to calculate the linear expansion coeffs of each FSR |
CLocalCoords | The LocalCoords represents a set of local coordinates on some level of nested Universes making up the geometry. _next and _prev allow for use of LocalCoords as a linked list but _next_array can also be used to access coordinates |
CMaterial | Unique material and its relevant nuclear data (i.e., multigroup cross-sections) for neutron transport |
CMatrix | |
CMaxOpticalLength | A class used to calculate the maximum optical path length across all segments in the Geometry |
CMesh | A Mesh is a lattice overlaid on the Geometry across which reaction rates can be tallied from converged scalar fluxes in a Solver |
CMOCKernel | An MOCKernel object specifies a functionality to apply to MOC segments |
CParallelHashMap | A thread-safe hash map supporting insertion and lookup operations |
CPlane | Represents a Plane perpendicular to the xy-plane |
CPoint | Class to represent a 2D/3D point in space |
CPrintSegments | A class used to write tracking data to a file |
CProgress | |
CQuadrature | The arbitrary quadrature parent class |
CReadSegments | A class used to read tracking data from a file |
CRecenterSegments | A class used to recenter Segments once their related FSR centroid is known |
CRectangularPrism | An infinite rectangular prism aligned with the z-axis |
CRegion | A region of space that can be assigned to a Cell |
CRuntimeParameters | Structure for run time options |
Csecond_t | A helper struct for the Universe::findCell() method |
Csegment | A segment represents a line segment within a single flat source region along a track |
CSegmentationKernel | Forms segment data associated with a 3D track |
CSegmentCounter | A class used to count the number of segments on each Track and the maximum number of segments per Track |
CSegmentSplitter | A class used to split explicit segments along Tracks |
CsendInfo | |
CSolver | This is an abstract base class which different Solver subclasses implement for different architectures or source iteration algorithms |
CSurface | Represents a general Surface in 3D |
CTimer | For timing and profiling regions of code |
CTrack | A Track represents a characteristic line across the geometry |
CTrack3D | A 3D Track represents a characteristic line across the geometry |
CTrackChainIndexes | A Track chain represents a list of Tracks connected via periodic BCs that extend in the l-z plane and this struct contains the azim, x, polar, lz, and link indexes of a Track |
CTrackGenerator | The TrackGenerator is dedicated to generating and storing Tracks which cyclically wrap across the Geometry |
CTrackGenerator3D | The TrackGenerator3D is dedicated to generating and storing Tracks which cyclically wrap across the Geometry in three dimensions |
CTrackStackIndexes | A stack track represents a track in a z-stack of tracks and this struct contains the azim, xy, polar, and z indices of a track |
CTransportKernel | Applies transport equations to segment data |
CTransportSweep | A class used to apply the MOC transport equations to all segments |
CTransportSweepOTF | A class used to ray trace and apply the MOC transport equations simultaneously On-The-Fly |
CTraverseSegments | An TraverseSegments object defines how to loop over Tracks given various different segmentation schemes and how to apply algorithms to the Tracks and associated segments |
CTYPolarQuad | Tabuchi-Yamamoto's polar quadrature |
CUnion | A union of two or more Regions |
CUniverse | A Universe represents an unbounded space in 3D |
CVector | |
CVectorizedSolver | This is a subclass of the CPUSolver class which uses memory-aligned data structures and Intel's auto-vectorization |
CVolumeCalculator | A class used to calculate FSR volumes |
CVolumeKernel | Calculates the volume in FSRs by adding weighted segment lengths |
CXPlane | Represents a Plane perpendicular to the x-axis |
CYPlane | Represents a Plane perpendicular to the y-axis |
CZCylinder | Represents a Cylinder with axis parallel to the z-axis |
CZPlane | Represents a Plane perpendicular to the z-axis |