3. Python Build System

OpenMOC is built and installed using the Python distutils package, which is a standard package provided with all Python distributions. Some developers will find this to be an adjustment since this stands in contrast to the legacy make and cmake build systems used by many scientific simulation codes. The following sections will describe how a developer can interact with the build system for configuration management.

3.1. Configuration File

The primary options for the build and installation of OpenMOC are defined in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. In particular, config.py creates the C/C++ Extensions using distutils in the configuration class. The Extension class in the distutils.extension module defines all of the source code and compiler and linker options to create a shared library which can be imported into Python as module. The class attributes for the configuration class encapsulate the build options specified by the user at compile time (see Build Configuration Options) and are itemized in Table 1.

Class Attribute Type Default Value
cc string ‘gcc’
fp string ‘single’
with_ccache boolean False
debug_mode boolean False
profile_mode boolean False
with_cuda boolean False
with_numpy boolean True
sources dictionary of strings C/C++/CUDA source files flags for each Extension object
compiler_flags dictionary of strings Flags for each Extension object
linker_flags dictionary of strings Flags for each Extension object
shared_libraries dictionary of strings Libraries for each Extension object
library_directories dictionary of strings Libraries for each Extension object
include_directories dictionary of strings Includes for each Extension object
macros dictionary of strings Macros for each Extension object
extensions list of Extension objects  

Table 1: Attributes for the configuration class.

The class attributes each have default values corresponding to the configuration needed to build and install the openmoc module. The OpenMOC/setup.py file instantiates a configuration class object and redefines the class attributes based on the command line options given at runtime. This process is discussed in greater detail in the Setup File section.

Once the build options have been defined for the configuration class, the setup.py calls the setup_extension_modules(...) class method which instantiates one or more Extension class objects for each Python module the user wishes to build and install.

For example, the following command would build and install the openmoc module using the default compiler (gcc) and with double precision:

python setup.py install --user --fp=double

Similarly, the following command would build and install the openmoc module with default compiler (gcc), as well was the openmoc.cuda module, each with single precision and debug symbols:

python setup.py install --user --with-cuda --fp=single --debug-mode

3.2. Setup File

The /OpenMOC/setup.py file is used to execute the build and installation process for OpenMOC. The methodology and implementation to handle command line options, custom compilers and linkers, and the build and installation phase.

3.2.1. Command Line Options

The setup.py file first defines the custom_install class to override (subclass) the install class in the distutils.command.install module. In particular, the initialize_options(...) class method is used to initialize the default build options for the configuration class (see Configuration File). The finalize_options(...) routine extracts the command line options, initializes the corresponding configuration class attributes, and calls the configuration.setup_extension_modules() class method to create the distutils Extension object.

3.2.2. Custom Compilers and Linkers

The customize_compiler(...) method is used to override the _compile(...) method in distutils to allow for compilation with a variety of toolchains (e.g., gcc, icpc, etc.). As presently implemented, the method chooses a compiler based on the macro definitions in the compile line (i.e, gcc for the macro definition -DGNU). Likewise, the customize_linker(...) method is used to override the link(...) method in distutils to allow for linking with a variety of toolchains (e.g., g++, icpc, etc.). The method chooses an executable for linking based on the target shared library name.

The custom_build_ext(...) class is used to override (subclass) the build_ext class in the distutils.command module. In particular, this class overrides the build_extension(...) method and uses it for the following:

  • Inject the customize_compiler(...) and customize_linker(...) methods into the build_ext class
  • Call SWIG to generate Python wrappers for the C/C++ source code.

3.2.3. Building and Installation

In the final step, the setup(...) method from the distutils.core module is called in the setup.py file. The setup(...) method receives the list of the Extension class objects and builds and installs each one as a shared library in the /home/<username>/.local/lib/python-x.x/site-packages/ directory. On a Unix-based machine, the shared library for the default openmoc module will be _openmoc.so. The Python modules in OpenMOC (e.g., openmoc.materialize, openmoc.plotter, etc.) will be installed in the /home/<username>/.local/lib/python-x.x/site-packages/ directory.

3.3. SWIG Interface Files

OpenMOC uses the SWIG system (discussed in Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator) to generate Python bindings for classes and routines in the compiled C/C++ source code. In order for SWIG to work, the C/C++ header files must contain all of the class and function prototypes. Furthermore, the headers files must be exposed to SWIG through a SWIG interface file (see SWIG Input). OpenMOC includes the interface file /OpenMOC/openmoc/openmoc.i for the main openmoc Python module, and an interface file /OpenMOC/openmoc/cuda/openmoc_cuda.i for the openmoc.cuda module.

The Add a C/C++ Source File section discusses how to add new C/C++ source files and expose them to SWIG through the interface files. The interface files are useful for a variety of auxiliary purposes as well, most notably the specifications to input and retrieve NumPy_ data from the compiled C/C++ shared library object(s) from Python (see NumPy Typemaps).

3.4. Common Modifications

The following sections cover some of the most common modifications and extensions that many developers need as they incorprate new features into OpenMOC, including how to add new C/C++ source files, Python modules, C/C++ extension modules and more.

3.4.1. Add a C/C++ Source File

There are three steps which must be taken to integrate a new source C/C++ file into the build system for OpenMOC.

  1. Include source header file (.h) in top of SWIG interface file (e.g. /OpenMOC/openmoc/openmoc.i) using the following code syntax:
#include "../src/MyFile.h"
  1. Include source header file (.h) in bottom of SWIG interface file (e.g. /OpenMOC/openmoc/openmoc.i) using the following code syntax:
%include ../src/MyFile.h
  1. Append the source implementation file (.c, .cpp, .cu, etc.) to the sources attribute for the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file (see Configuration File).


Changes to the C/C++ source files are not reflected until the OpenMOC has been reinstalled.

3.4.2. Add a Python Module

OpenMOC includes several Python modules by default (i.e., openmoc.materialize, openmoc.plotter, etc.). These modules are Python files located in the /OpenMOC/openmoc directory and are installed each time the C/C++ extension module(s) for OpenMOC are built and installed. For example, to create the openmoc.mymodule module, create the mymodule.py file in the OpenMOC/openmoc directory. You must then append the name of the module (i.e., openmoc.mymodule) to the packages list class attribute in the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file.


Changes to a Python module are not reflected until OpenMOC has been reinstalled.

3.4.3. Add a Compiler Flag

In order to add a new compiler flag to OpenMOC, simply append it as a Python string to the compiler_flags attribute of the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. The compiler_flags attribute is a Python dictionary (see Configuration File) with keys for each compiler supported by the build system. Simply choose which compiler the compiler flag is applicable to and append the string to the list corresponding to that key. For example, to add the -falign-functions flag for gcc, append ‘-falign-functions’ to the list in compiler_flags corresponding to ‘gcc’.

3.4.4. Add a Linker Flag

In order to add a new linker flag to OpenMOC, simply append it as a Python string to the linker_flags attribute of the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. The linker_flags attribute is a Python dictionary (see Configuration File) with keys for each compiler supported by the build system. Simply choose which compiler the linker flag is applicable to and append the string to the list corresponding to that key. For example, to add the -dynamiclib flag for gcc, append ‘-dynamiclib’ to the list in linker_flags corresponding to ‘gcc’.

3.4.5. Add a Library Directory

In order to add a new library directory to OpenMOC, simply append it as a Python string to the library_directories attribute of the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. The library_directories attribute is a Python dictionary (see Configuration File) with keys for each compiler supported by the build system. Simply choose which compiler the library directory is applicable to and append the string to the list corresponding to that key. For example, to add the /usr/local/cuda/lib include directory for nvcc, append ‘/usr/local/cuda/lib’ to the list in library_directories corresponding to ‘gcc’.

You do not need to add a library directory if it is already in included in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. You can check if the directory is included with the following command from a Linux or Mac bash console:


To include the directory in LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead of the config.py file, use the following command from a Linux or Mac bash console:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/library/directory/here:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

3.4.6. Add an Include Directory

In order to add a new include directory to OpenMOC, simply append it as a Python string to the include_directories attribute of the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. The include_directories attribute is a Python dictionary (see Configuration File) with keys for each compiler supported by the build system. Simply choose which compiler the include directory is applicable to and append the string to the list corresponding to that key. For example, to add the /usr/local/cuda/include include directory for gcc, append ‘/usr/local/cuda/include’ to the list in include_directories corresponding to ‘gcc’.

3.4.8. Add a Macro Definition

In order to add a C/C++ pre-processing macro option to OpenMOC, simply append the macro as a Python tuple to the macros attribute of the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. The macros attribute is a Python dictionary (see Configuration File) with keys for each compiler supported by the build system. Simply choose which compiler the macro is applicable to and append the tuple to the list corresponding to that key. For example, to add the METHOD=fast macro for gcc, append the ('METHOD', 'fast') tuple to the list in macros corresponding to ‘gcc’.

3.5. Add a C/C++ Extension Module

Many developers may write new C/C++ source code which performs some new physics or compute-intensive task. In some cases, the new code may be applicable for some users but less desirable for others. Alternatively, the code may only be applicable for certain types of simulations and less so for others. In these situations, it may be best to include the new C/C++ source code as a new extension module to OpenMOC. The following section discuses the steps which must be taken (in order) to incorporate a new extension module into OpenMOC’s build system.

3.5.1. Create New SWIG Interface File

The first step to creating a new extension module is to create new SWIG interface file for the module. Interface files and some SWIG capabilities are discussed in more detail in Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator. In this section, it suffices to say that if you wish to create the openmoc.submodule extension module, you will need to create the openmoc_submodule.i interface file akin to what is illustrated below:

%module openmoc_submodule



  /* Include all header files to wrap here */
  #include "first_source_file.h"
  #include "last_source_file.h"

/* Include all header files to wrap here */
%include first_source_file.h
%include last_source_file.h

3.5.2. Add Source Files

Second, you need to create a new entry in the sources dictionary attribute for the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. The entry should contain a list of the C/C++ source files to compile, including the SWIG wrap file. An example of what might be appended to the configuration class is illustrated below

# Store list of C/C++ source files for the module
sources['submodule'] = ['submodule_wrap.cpp',

3.5.3. Add Build Options

Next, you must create new entries in the configuration class attributes for compiler flags, linker flags, etc. in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. Each of these build options is stored as a Python dictionary. Some of your build options may be identical to those for one or more of the main extension modules for OpenMOC. An example of what might be appended to the configuration class is illustrated below:

# Store build options for the module

# Compiler flags
compiler_flags['submodule'] = ['-first-option', ... , '-last-option']

# Linker flags
linker_flags['submodule'] = ['-first-option', ... , '-last-option']

# Shared libraries (do not prepend "l" or "lib")
shared_libraries['submodule'] = ['-firstlib', ..., '-lastlib']

# Library directories (if not set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
library_directories['submodule'] = ['/first/library/directory',

# Include directories
include_directories['submodule'] = ['/first/include/directory',

# Define new macros as with tuples for each
macros['submodule'] = [('FIRST_MACRO', None),
                       ('LAST_MACRO', 42)]

3.5.4. Add a Build Option

In order to make your openmoc.submodule extension module an optional module for OpenMOC, you need to add a build option (or flag). The build options are defined and interpreted by the custom_install class in the /OpenMOC/setup.py file. There are three primary steps which must be taken in order to add a build option.

  1. First, append your option to the user_options list attribute in the custom_install class. The user_options list contains tuples of three elements each. The first element is the option string name, the second element is typically None, and the third element is a brief description of the option to be printed for the --help option. An example of the creation of the --newopt option which can be assigned a numerical or string value from the command line is given as follows:

    user_options = [...,
                    ('newopt=', None, 'A new option which takes a string or numerical value'),
  2. Alternatively, if your option is a boolean option - for example, a binary switch to turn on/off the compilation of your openmoc.submodule extension module - you will need to define it in the boolean_options list attribute in the custom_install class:

    boolean_options = [...
  3. Create a class attribute corresponding to your build option to the custom_install class in the /OpenMOC/setup.py file. The class attribute should have the same name and capitalization as the command line option. This should be done in the initialize_options(...) class method. An example is given for the boolean option case as follows:

    def initialize_options(self):
      Set a default value for the new build option
      self.newopt = False
  4. Inform the configuration class (given by the global config variable in setup.py) to use the value passed in for the build option. This may entail creating a new class attribute for the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file to account specifically for this option.

    def finalize_options(self):
      # Tell the configuration class what to do with the option
      config.newopt = self.newopt

Once the build option is given to the configuration class, it is up to you to figure out what to do with it. The command line options are typically applied to the build configuration in the setup_extension_modules method for the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file as presented in the next section.

3.5.5. Inject Compiler Options

Although you created a list of compiler flags for your module in Add Build Options, they will not be used unless we expose them to the underlying distutils build system. We do this using the customize_compiler(...) routine in the /OpenMOC/setup.py file. This routine overrides the _compile(...) routine in distutils and allows us to configure the compiler executable and compiler flags as we please. In particular, customize_compiler defines a new version of the _compile(...) method and injects it into distutils.

In order to ensure that distutils will use your compiler flags, you need to add a new conditional block to the _compile(...) method. This conditional should be able to determine when the _compile(...) method has received the build information for your extension module through its parameter set. One way to do this is to assign a specific macro to your build module which can be found in the pp_opts (pre-processing options) parameter to the _compile(...) method. for example, if you add a macro FIRST_MACRO which is unique and only used for your extension module, then you can look for it in pp_opts and configure the compiler when needed. An example of how this might be done in the _compile(...) routine is shown as follows:

# If we find your macro, distutils is building your module
if '-DFIRST_MACRO' in pp_opts:

  # Set the compiler executable to the compiler
  # you want to use for your module
  self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'gcc')

  # Set the compiler flags
  postargs = config.compiler_flags['gcc']

3.5.6. Append Module to Installation Packages

Next, you must append the name of the module (i.e., openmoc.submodule) to the packages list class attribute in the configuration class in the /OpenMOC/config.py file. This will ensure that your new extension module will not only be compiled, but also installed into the directory with the rest of the OpenMOC shared library extension module(s) and Python modules. An example is as follows:

packages = ['openmoc', ..., 'openmoc.materialize', ..., 'openmoc.submodule']

3.5.7. Create SWIG Wrap File

Your extension module C/C++ source files must be “wrapped” using SWIG to create a SWIG “wrap file.” The distutils package will automatically do this for most Python distributions, but in some cases it is not done properly. To account for the inconsistencies across platforms, the OpenMOC build system manually calls SWIG for each extension module we wish to build at compile time. In particular, the custom_build_ext(...) routine in the /OpenMOC/setup.py file is used to directly call SWIG to wrap the source code for each extension module. An example of what one might append to the custom_build_ext(...) routine to wrap the source for the openmoc.submodule extension module might be the following:

if 'submodule' in config.extensions:
  os.system('swig -python -c++ -keyword -o ' + \
            'openmoc/submodule/openmoc_submodule_wrap.cpp ' + \

3.5.8. Create an Extension Object

The final step is to create an Extension object for your module in the setup_extension_modules(...) class method in the configuration class. The particular setup of your module is highly dependent on the functionality of your module and the build options added in the preceding steps. That said, there are several common issues to note when creating the Extension object.

First, the filename should begin with an underscore “_” since this is common practice for Python C/C++ extension modules. Second, the name parameter should be set to the filename of the shared library you wish to create. Typically, it is recommended that the shared library filename be constructed using the same words intended for the Python module, with “.” replaced by “_”. For example, to create the module.submodule.subsubmodule C/C++ extension module for Python, the shared library should be called _module_submodule_subsubmodule.so. Finally, each of the parameters to the Extension object should be set using the lists of build options (i.e., compiler flags, include libraries, etc.) configured in Add Build Options.

An example of how one might instantiate the Extension object in the setup_extension_modules(...) routine is given below:

# Create Extension object and append to the list of objects
# in the configuration class
if config.submodule:

    Extension(name = '_openmoc_submodule',
              sources = self.sources['submodule'],
              library_dirs = self.library_directories['submodule'],
              libraries = self.shared_libraries['submodule'],
              extra_link_args = self.linker_flags['submodule'],
              include_dirs = self.include_directories['submodule'],
              define_macros = self.macros['submodule'][self.fp],
              swig_opts = self.swig_flags,
              export_symbols = ['init_openmoc']))

3.5.9. Python Package Tree

Finally, you will need to create a directory tree to represent your module within the OpenMOC Python package. For example, for the openmoc.submodule extension module, you would need to create the /OpenMOC/openmoc/submodule directory. In addition, you will need to create a Python __init__.py file, which is required for Python to treat the directory as a Python package. For a C/C++ extension module, the __init__.py file typically will import the shared library (i.e., _openmoc_submodule.so) as follows:

import _openmoc_submodule

# Do any other initialization needed when
# someone imports your module into Python


You must create an __init__.py file for each level of the Python package hierarchy. For example, for the openmoc.submodule.subsubmodule, you will need to create the /OpenMOC/openmoc/submodule/__init__.py and /OpenMOC/openmoc/submodule/subsubmodule/__init__.py files.

3.5.10. Build the Extension Module

FINALLY, you should be prepared to compile and install your C/C++ extension module using OpenMOC’s distutils-based build system!! The next step is to build OpenMOC as discussed in Installation and Configuration, using the build option(s) which you defined for your module. For example, if you defined the build option --newopt as a binary option for building your module, you might run the following in the console:

$ python setup.py install --user --newopt

This command should compile and install your shared library extension module in /home/<username>/.local/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/ directory. In particular, you should be able to find the _openmoc_submodule.so file in that directory, as well as the import directory tree for the module as presented in Python Package Tree (i.e., /openmoc/submodule/ with the __init__.py file).

If all was properly configured as described in the preceding steps, you should be able to import your extension module into Python with the following:

from openmoc.submodule import *

# Do cool things with your extension module here

4. Alternative C++ Build System

Some developers might not wish to include the Python/SWIG build system due to the additional requirements such as SWIG, Python_, Numpy_, matplotlib, and h5py. Since OpenMOC source code is entirely written in C++, it is possible to bypass the Python/SWIG build system and run OpenMOC using a compiled C++ input file. This is primarily useful for developers running OpenMOC on new architectures that might not support Python and SWIG. Performance analysis can also be easier without the Python/SWIG interface.


It is highly recommended that users utilize the regular Python/SWIG build system unless there is a specific reason for using the alternative C++ build system.

4.1. Makefile

The alternative C++ build system is available in the OpenMOC/profile/ directory. The build system depends on the source files found in the OpenMOC/src/ directory so that any changes to those files are noticed by both the regular Python/SWIG build system and the alternative C++ build system. The alternative C++ build system is based on the use of Make. Since OpenMOC includes some C++11 features, developers should ensure the C++ compiler they wish to use includes full C++11 support. Developers using the alternative C++ build system should be familiar with both C++ and Make.

The alternative C++ build system compiler options are included in OpenMOC/profile/Makefile. This Makefile includes several command line options that can be executed from the OpenMOC/profile/ directory:

  • make - Compiles the OpenMOC source files with the C++ input file indicated by the case variable in the Makefile. The default is OpenMOC/profile/models/run_time_standard/run_time_standard.cpp.
  • make all - Compiles the OpenMOC source files with all input files given in the Makefile indicated in the variable cases.
  • make run - Runs the OpenMOC C++ input file indicated by the case variable in the Makefile. Note: the case must be compiled before this command will run correctly.
  • make clean - Deletes all output files formed from compiling OpenMOC source and input files described in the cases variable in the Makefile.


Make does not handle all source dependencies, it is advised to delete the obj/ directory after changing any function’s arguments or if using link time optimization

4.2. Building a multi-purpose C++ executable

The default case built with the Makefile is OpenMOC/profile/models/run_time_standard/run_time_standard.cpp. run_time_standard is an OpenMOC executable that can read “.geo” geometry files, and takes the simulation parameters as command line input. This can help users run large number of cases with the C++ build without recompiling.

4.3. Building individual C++ Input Files

It is advised to first compile the included example C++ inputs provided in the OpenMOC/profile/models/ directory. After ensuring the inputs compile and verifying correct behavior runtime behavior, the developer should use the example C++ inputs as a reference to write new C++ input files. Most OpenMOC commands should translate reasonably well between Python on C++ inputs, though some aspects such as array declaration are much more difficult in C++. It is important to note that Material, Cell, Universe, and Lattice objects should be allocated on the heap rather than the stack to prevent segmentation faults when the program terminates. For instance, while

Cell basic_cell(0, "basic cell");
Universe basic_universe(0, "basic universe");
Geometry geometry;
geometry.setUniverses(1, 1, &basic_universe);

would seem like correct syntax, a segmentation fault would occur at the end of the program execution when the geometry destructor is called since it deletes all member universes. Likewise, universes delete all member cells. The correct way of writing this code block to prevent this error would be to allocate basic_cell and basic_universe on the heap as:

Cell* basic_cell = new Cell(0, "basic cell");
Universe* basic_universe = new Universe(0, "basic universe");
Geometry geometry;
geometry.setUniverses(1, 1, basic_universe);

4.4. Compiler Options

Once the C++ input file is completed, it should be added to the Makefile to be compiled. To do this, add the location of the C++ input file to the cases variable in the Makefile. Note that the Makefile assumes input files are located in a sub-directory of the OpenMOC/profile/models/ directory. Therefore, the Makefile adds models/ as a prefix to any input file locations. In addition, several compiler options can be specified at the top of the Makefile, presented as variables detailed in Table 2.

Variable Description Allowed Values Default Value
COMPILER Specifies the compiler gnu, intel, clang, bluegene mpicc
OPENMP Flag to turn on OpenMP parallelism yes, no yes
OPTIMIZE Flag to turn on compiler optimizations yes, no yes
DEBUG Flag to turn on vector reports and debug mode yes, no no
PROFILE Creates a gmon.out file for profiling yes, no no
INFO Display information on compiler optimization yes, no no
PRECISION Specifies the floating point precision single, double single
CMFD_PRECISION Specifies the floating point precision in CMFD single, double single

Table 2: Makefile compiler options for the alternative C++ build system.

After the input is compiled, an executable will be created in the same directory as the input file. The executable can be called directly based on its location or it can be run using the make run command described previously with a modification of the case variable in the Makefile.

4.4.1. Geometry files (.geo)

For complex geometries, it may be preferable to load the geometry in Python first and dump it to a “.geo” file, which can then be read by a C++ executable.

# Dump geometry to file
// Load geometry from .geo file