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An open source method of characteristics neutron transport code.
This is the complete list of members for Plane, including all inherited members.
_A | Plane | protected |
_B | Plane | protected |
_boundary_type | Surface | protected |
_C | Plane | protected |
_D | Plane | protected |
_id | Surface | protected |
_n | Surface | protectedstatic |
_name | Surface | protected |
_neighbors (defined in Surface) | Surface | protected |
_surface_type | Surface | protected |
_uid | Surface | protected |
addNeighborCell(int halfspace, Cell *cell) | Surface | |
evaluate(const Point *point) const | Plane | inlinevirtual |
getA() | Plane | |
getB() | Plane | |
getBoundaryType() | Surface | |
getC() | Plane | |
getD() | Plane | |
getId() const | Surface | |
getMax(int axis, int halfspace) | Surface | |
getMaxX(int halfspace) | Plane | virtual |
getMaxY(int halfspace) | Plane | virtual |
getMaxZ(int halfspace) | Plane | virtual |
getMin(int axis, int halfspace) | Surface | |
getMinDistance(Point *point, double azim, double polar) | Surface | inline |
getMinDistance(LocalCoords *coord) | Surface | |
getMinX(int halfspace) | Plane | virtual |
getMinY(int halfspace) | Plane | virtual |
getMinZ(int halfspace) | Plane | virtual |
getName() const | Surface | |
getSurfaceType() | Surface | |
getUid() const | Surface | |
intersection(Point *point, double azim, double polar, Point *points) | Plane | virtual |
isCoordOnSurface(LocalCoords *coord) | Surface | |
isPointOnSurface(Point *point) | Surface | |
Plane(const double A, const double B, const double C, const double D, const int id=0, const char *name="") | Plane | |
printString() | Surface | |
setBoundaryType(const boundaryType boundary_type) | Surface | |
setName(const char *name) | Surface | |
Surface class | Plane | friend |
Surface::Surface(const int id=0, const char *name="") | Surface | |
toString() | Plane | virtual |
ZCylinder class | Plane | friend |
~Surface() | Surface | virtual |