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An open source method of characteristics neutron transport code.
This is the complete list of members for Cmfd, including all inherited members.
addFSRToCell(int cell_id, long fsr_id) | Cmfd | |
allocateTallies() | Cmfd | |
checkBalance() | Cmfd | |
Cmfd() | Cmfd | |
computeKeff(int moc_iteration) | Cmfd | |
convertFSRIdToCmfdCell(long fsr_id) | Cmfd | |
convertGlobalFSRIdToCmfdCell(long global_fsr_id) | Cmfd | |
copyCurrentsToBackup() | Cmfd | |
enforceBalanceOnDiagonal(int cmfd_cell, int group) | Cmfd | |
findCmfdCell(LocalCoords *coords) | Cmfd | |
findCmfdSurface(int cell_id, LocalCoords *coords) | Cmfd | |
findCmfdSurfaceOTF(int cell_id, double z, int surface_2D) | Cmfd | inline |
getBoundary(int side) | Cmfd | |
getBoundarySurfaceCurrents() | Cmfd | |
getCellFSRs() | Cmfd | |
getCmfdGroup(int group) | Cmfd | inline |
getLattice() | Cmfd | |
getLocalCurrents() | Cmfd | |
getNumCells() | Cmfd | |
getNumCmfdGroups() | Cmfd | |
getNumMOCGroups() | Cmfd | |
getNumX() | Cmfd | |
getNumY() | Cmfd | |
getNumZ() | Cmfd | |
initialize() | Cmfd | |
initializeBackupCmfdSolver() | Cmfd | |
initializeCellMap() | Cmfd | |
initializeGroupMap() | Cmfd | |
initializeLattice(Point *offset, bool is_2D=false) | Cmfd | |
isCentroidUpdateOn() | Cmfd | |
isFluxUpdateOn() | Cmfd | |
isSigmaTRebalanceOn() | Cmfd | |
printCmfdCellSizes() | Cmfd | |
printInputParamsSummary() | Cmfd | |
printTimerReport() | Cmfd | |
rebalanceSigmaT(bool balance_sigma_t) | Cmfd | |
recordNetCurrents() | Cmfd | |
setAzimSpacings(const std::vector< double > &azim_spacings, int num_azim) | Cmfd | |
setBackupGroupStructure(std::vector< std::vector< int > > group_indices) | Cmfd | |
setBoundary(int side, boundaryType boundary) | Cmfd | |
setCellFSRs(std::vector< std::vector< long > > *cell_fsrs) | Cmfd | |
setCentroidUpdateOn(bool centroid_update_on) | Cmfd | |
setCMFDRelaxationFactor(double relaxation_factor) | Cmfd | |
setConvergenceData(ConvergenceData *convergence_data) | Cmfd | |
setFluxMoments(FP_PRECISION *flux_moments) | Cmfd | |
setFluxUpdateOn(bool flux_update_on) | Cmfd | |
setFSRFluxes(FP_PRECISION *scalar_flux) | Cmfd | |
setFSRMaterials(Material **FSR_materials) | Cmfd | |
setFSRSources(FP_PRECISION *sources) | Cmfd | |
setFSRVolumes(FP_PRECISION *FSR_volumes) | Cmfd | |
setGeometry(Geometry *geometry) | Cmfd | |
setGroupStructure(std::vector< std::vector< int > > group_indices) | Cmfd | |
setKeff(double k_eff) | Cmfd | |
setKNearest(int k_nearest) | Cmfd | |
setLatticeStructure(int num_x, int num_y, int num_z=1) | Cmfd | |
setNumFSRs(long num_fsrs) | Cmfd | |
setNumMOCGroups(int num_moc_groups) | Cmfd | |
setNumX(int num_x) | Cmfd | |
setNumY(int num_y) | Cmfd | |
setNumZ(int num_z) | Cmfd | |
setPolarSpacings(const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &polar_spacings, int num_azim, int num_polar) | Cmfd | |
setQuadrature(Quadrature *quadrature) | Cmfd | |
setSolve3D(bool solve_3d) | Cmfd | |
setSORRelaxationFactor(double SOR_factor) | Cmfd | |
setSourceConvergenceThreshold(double source_thresh) | Cmfd | |
setWidths(std::vector< std::vector< double > > widths) | Cmfd | |
setWidthX(double width) | Cmfd | |
setWidthY(double width) | Cmfd | |
setWidthZ(double width) | Cmfd | |
tallyCurrent(segment *curr_segment, float *track_flux, int azim_index, int polar_index, bool fwd) | Cmfd | inline |
tallyStartingCurrent(Point *point, double delta_x, double delta_y, double delta_z, float *track_flux, double weight) | Cmfd | |
useAxialInterpolation(int interpolate) | Cmfd | |
useFluxLimiting(bool flux_limiting) | Cmfd | |
zeroCurrents() | Cmfd | |
~Cmfd() | Cmfd | virtual |